2012 Monthly Meeting Photos
December 2012 Chapter Meeting
Chapter 1071 Group Picture - Dec. 2012

Not pictured: Ernest Covington and Paul Brick
TOP ROW (l to r): David Hennig, Marv Lich, David Steiner, George Eastman, Owen Oliver, Dan Dietz, Richard Cox, Jim Thompson, Ed Koenig.
BOTTOM ROW(l to r): Joe Plant, Lee White, Tony Lopez, John Ed Young, Bill Light, Benny Aloia
All the young men in this photo wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ...........and the old guys do too!
This was the Chapter's last meeting of the year. We accomplished many tasks in a very short time with the most important being designated as an official VVA chapter in early October. Many thanks to the members who made this happen!
We look forward to making significant contributions to the veteran community in the upcoming year.
BOTTOM ROW(l to r): Joe Plant, Lee White, Tony Lopez, John Ed Young, Bill Light, Benny Aloia
All the young men in this photo wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ...........and the old guys do too!
This was the Chapter's last meeting of the year. We accomplished many tasks in a very short time with the most important being designated as an official VVA chapter in early October. Many thanks to the members who made this happen!
We look forward to making significant contributions to the veteran community in the upcoming year.
1st Meeting As Chapter 1071

Meetings have been held over the last several months in order to establish a new Vietnam Veterans of America chapter in Denver, Colorado. The Chapter was approved and designated #1071 on October 1, 2012 and the first meeting as Chapter #1071 was held on October 13, 2012

A special thanks to VFW Post 4171 in Golden, Colorado for allowing our Chapter to use their meeting facilities. We look forward to having our own home in the not too distant future.

Gentlemen........your new orders have been received........next duty station......RVN!

Special Guest - Judy Atencio
Our Chapter was fortunate to have Judy Atencio attend our December 2012 meeting. Judy works with many organizations like ours in an effort to assist veterans with various issues including disabilities and the homeless. She has assisted our own John Ed Young in securing shelter for several homeless veterans in the past several months. Judy has spent over 20 years working in this capacity and has written numerous grants for up to $7 million in support of these efforts. As a paralegal, she has assisted in drafting and the approvals of many pieces of veteran's related legislation.
Judy is a tireless volunteer who works a tremendous amount of hours on behalf of all veterans!
A very warm thank you to Judy for attending our meeting and for discussing many of the veterans issues that concern all of us.
Judy is a tireless volunteer who works a tremendous amount of hours on behalf of all veterans!
A very warm thank you to Judy for attending our meeting and for discussing many of the veterans issues that concern all of us.