We had 8 or 9 Chapter members and approximately 40 other veterans in attendance for the Veteran's Day Assembly at Dakota Ridge High School. Tony Lopez was a guest speaker and after the assembly, the Chapter members had an opportunity to speak with many of the students. Great students! Great time! Our thanks to the school faculty and staff for inviting us to the assembly.
Our Chapter has been invited to attend the Veterans Day Assembly at Dakota Ridge HS. Please take a look at the invitation below and let Tony Lopez know if you would be interested in attending. Invitations have been extended to ALL veterans. You can contact Tony at
Loveland Veterans Day
VVA 1071 Chapter Member, Robert Himber and friend and fellow Vietnam Veteran, Barry, attended the Loveland Veterans Day event on Monday. Robert indicated that the event was very well attended and suggested that the Chapter think about attending in force next Veterans Day. Thanks for the picture and the update, Robert!
Thanks to all our Members, Family and Friends who braved the cool weather and attended our first ever picnic! Next year we will plan it for a little bit earlier in the year to avoid the "crisp" winds!
Just a reminder to our Chapter members....we will be collecting all cold weather clothing at the September and October Chapter meetings.
Please check with your family and friends and clear your closets of all those too small or too large items of clothing that you just don't use anymore.
We have made arrangements for a local cleaners to freshen up all that we collect. Our donations just might make a difference for the hundreds of Coloradans who have lost everything in the recent flooding!
Wow...great job Chapter Members....we collected a tremendous amount of cold weather items at the September meeting. Let's see if we can match it at our October meeting. THANKS TO ALL for helping out!
Thanks for your help and generosity!!
Seriously......that was a lot of clothes and other warm weather gear that we collected over a two month period. We will sort through everything and deliver to two or three distribution facilities or organizations. Thanks again for caring!
The following poem was written by Chris Newton, son of Chapter 1071 member Steve Newton. Thank you Chris and Steve for sharing!!
The soldier stood and faced God,
Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining,
Just as brightly as his brass.
'Step forward now, soldier,
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To My Church have you been true?'
The soldier squared his shoulders and said,
"No, Lord, I guess I ain't,"
Because those of us who carry guns,
Can't always be a saint.
I've had to work most Sundays,
And at times my talk was tough.
And sometimes I've been violent,
Because the world is awfully rough.
But, I never took a penny,
That wasn't mine to keep...
Though I worked a lot of overtime,
When the bills just got too steep.
And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at times I shook with fears...
And sometimes, God, forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.
I know I don't deserve a place,
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around,
Except to calm their fear.
If you've a place for me here, Lord,
It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't, I'll understand.
There was a silence all around the throne,
Where the saints had often trod.
As the soldier waited quietly,
For the judgment of his God.
"Step forward now, you soldier,
You've borne your burdens well.
Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in Hell."
Author Unknown~
The soldier stood and faced God,
Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining,
Just as brightly as his brass.
'Step forward now, soldier,
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To My Church have you been true?'
The soldier squared his shoulders and said,
"No, Lord, I guess I ain't,"
Because those of us who carry guns,
Can't always be a saint.
I've had to work most Sundays,
And at times my talk was tough.
And sometimes I've been violent,
Because the world is awfully rough.
But, I never took a penny,
That wasn't mine to keep...
Though I worked a lot of overtime,
When the bills just got too steep.
And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at times I shook with fears...
And sometimes, God, forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.
I know I don't deserve a place,
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around,
Except to calm their fear.
If you've a place for me here, Lord,
It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't, I'll understand.
There was a silence all around the throne,
Where the saints had often trod.
As the soldier waited quietly,
For the judgment of his God.
"Step forward now, you soldier,
You've borne your burdens well.
Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in Hell."
Author Unknown~
Pray for our men and women
Who have served, and are
Currently serving our country.
And pray for those who have given
The ultimate sacrifice for freedom...
This organization is a very valuable resource for active military members who are in combat roles . Many of the "extra" items needed by our soldiers, which are not provided to them by the Military, are procured by the Support-A-Soldier organization and shipped to them as quickly as possible. Please refer to the flyer below to see the types of items that are purchased.
If you are interested in supporting this very worthwhile effort, please contact them at the number or email address listed above. Also, Chapter 1071 is sponsoring 4 player team in their inaugural Golf Tournament, as a way to show our support. If you are interested in participating in the Tournament or if you would like to purchase a raffle ticket for their 2013 Gun Raffle give them a call!
If you are interested in supporting this very worthwhile effort, please contact them at the number or email address listed above. Also, Chapter 1071 is sponsoring 4 player team in their inaugural Golf Tournament, as a way to show our support. If you are interested in participating in the Tournament or if you would like to purchase a raffle ticket for their 2013 Gun Raffle give them a call!
SEPTEMBER 6 - 8, 2013
VVA CHAPTER 1071 was one of the 2013 Festival Sponsors.
The Chapter had approximately 18 members at the Heroes Dinner on Friday evening.
The Parade was awesome! There were several touching incidents as we progressed through the Parade. Lots of cheers, many salutes from fellow veterans and a real sense of peace. Chapter 1071 took 3rd place for our parade entry. If only we had known we were in a competition, we would have doubled our efforts. Just wait 'till next year!!
Several members volunteered to man the Information Booth on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We met a lot of veterans and other people who were very interested in who we are and what we are doing.
Building the float before the Parade.....thanks for helping out Dan, Ed K. and Richard!
Final setup and Parade preparation.
The Parade
Thanks to all our Chapter volunteers who helped make this a very successful event. We certainly got our Chapter name out there with this event. We hope to hear from some of the many veterans that we talked with over the 3 day period and expect that some will join our Chapter soon
You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you. - John Bunyan
Chapter 1071 has made a donation to this very important Foundation. It is a small way for us to help the youth in our community. Check out their website to see the important work that they are doing.
In June, a fellow Veteran and his family lost their home and practically ALL of their possessions in the Black Forest Fire near Colorado Springs. In keeping with our mission of "helping Veterans in need", Chapter 1071 was able to make a donation to the family. The money will used for the family's day to day expenses. Thanks Chapter 1071 for helping a fellow Vet in need.
The pictures are in a PowerPoint presentation. Click the current picture to move to the next.
Quarterly - Chapter 1071 Food Drive
Just a reminder, we will be collecting non-perishable food stuffs at our July Chapter meeting. No pressure to bring anything but, if you can, it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
Wow.....our members really came through for the quarterly food drive! Good thing we had TWO vehicles to transport all the food stuffs that were collected on Saturday. Great job everyone and than you....this will certainly go a long way for helping our fellow veterans!
June 27 is PTSD Awareness Day
Check out the link:
DAV Mobile Service Office
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Frederick, CO
Be sure to check out the information for this event...some very valuable services offered to veterans here!
Thomas Feldhaus
Purple Heart
Thanks to Chapter 1071 Member Kirk Johnston for making us aware of this story.
May 26, 2013
May 24, 2013 - Ft. Collins, Colorado
Chapter 1071 provided guard duty from 0800 to 1800 (that's 8 AM to 6 PM for you civilian types) for the Traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall. We had a great turnout and a great time! Thanks to the following Chapter 1071 members for helping out: Ed Koenig, Dan DIetz, Owen Oliver, Steve Newton, Terry O'Neill, Bob Garcia, Tom Noonan, Doug Culver, Gary Huett, Lee White, Joe Plant, Jim Miles and Tony Lopez.
Also, thanks to Rick Claggett for doing two of the reading sessions on Monday!
Also, thanks to Rick Claggett for doing two of the reading sessions on Monday!
NEW! Check out the awesome letters we received from the Dakota Ridge High School history classes. Some very touching comments that I think you will appreciate!
The letters are in the drop down box Dakota Ridge High School under the HOME page
Event attended by Chapter 1071 Vice President, Richard Cox
KEZW 1430 AM Radio Spot
On May 16th, Chapter members Lee White and Richard Cox met with Rick Crandall, radio host of "The Breakfast Club" on KEZW 1430 AM. This is the second "appearance" by our Chapter members who were promoting VVA Chapter 1071 and recruiting potential members.
Listen to the interview below: Great job, Lee and Richard! You did the Chapter proud!!
Listen to the interview below: Great job, Lee and Richard! You did the Chapter proud!!
Our Chapter will provide guard duty and have an "information" table set up on Friday, May 24, 2013 at the Vietnam Wall in Ft. Collins.
If you haven't pulled guard duty in a few years, come and join us! We plan on providing 3 guards for five shifts. Each shift is for two hours. Don't worry, no weapons or other combat gear is required.....just a cell phone and a whistle!
Contact Tony Lopez at if you would like to help out. We currently have six members who have volunteered....we could use a few more! Attached is the Guard Duty Schedule and the Wall SOP.
On May 1st, 2013, nine members of VVA Chapter 1071 met with students from Dakota Ridge High School. The veterans shared many of their experiences from their time in Vietnam. After the vets finished telling about their experiences, the sessions were opened up for questions and answers. The students had some very interesting and relevant questions.
The veterans in attendance were: Dan DIetz, Owen Oliver, RIck Claggett, John Ed Young, Richard Cox, Michael Craig, David Steiner, Miller Hudson and Tony Lopez. Thanks for your time and efforts, Gentlemen!
We thank fellow Chapter member, Michael Craig for getting us in touch with Dakota RIdge HS and a special thanks to History teacher, Mr. Matt Honeycutt, for extending the invitation to our Chapter. Most of all, we thank the students for listening to our small bits of history and we hope that the information that we shared was beneficial. Talking about these stories was certainly beneficial and therapeutic to the veterans!
Hopefully, we will have an opportunity to meet with other students in the future to tell our story.
The veterans in attendance were: Dan DIetz, Owen Oliver, RIck Claggett, John Ed Young, Richard Cox, Michael Craig, David Steiner, Miller Hudson and Tony Lopez. Thanks for your time and efforts, Gentlemen!
We thank fellow Chapter member, Michael Craig for getting us in touch with Dakota RIdge HS and a special thanks to History teacher, Mr. Matt Honeycutt, for extending the invitation to our Chapter. Most of all, we thank the students for listening to our small bits of history and we hope that the information that we shared was beneficial. Talking about these stories was certainly beneficial and therapeutic to the veterans!
Hopefully, we will have an opportunity to meet with other students in the future to tell our story.
Our Chapter was represented at the W Rail Grand Opening by John Ed Young, Joseph Plant and Judy Atencio. The event was held on Saturday, April 27, 2013. The W Rail is the new RTD Light Rail line running from Jeffco-Golden Light Rail Station in Lakewood to Denver Union Station.
John Ed reported that they met several veterans who could receive assistance either from our Chapter or from the Jefferson County Workforce DVOP (Disabled Veterans Outreach Program). He indicated that "it was a great experience and the networking opportunities surpassed our expectations."
Great job, John Ed, Joseph and Judy!
John Ed reported that they met several veterans who could receive assistance either from our Chapter or from the Jefferson County Workforce DVOP (Disabled Veterans Outreach Program). He indicated that "it was a great experience and the networking opportunities surpassed our expectations."
Great job, John Ed, Joseph and Judy!
Check out the cruise information from Princess Cruise Line. It sounds like great fun and a chance to meet some very interesting people.
Veteran's Cruise....leaving Houston on November 4, 2013 for four days.
Onboard programming and activities to include:
Special guests: •Admiral Michael Mullen (Ret.), former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Mrs. Deborah Mullen
•General George Casey (Ret.), former Army Chief of Staff and Mrs. Sheila Casey
General Norton Schwartz (Ret.), former Air Force Chief of Staff and Mrs. Suzie Schwartz
Admiral Gary Roughead (Ret.), former Chief of Naval Operations and Mrs. Ellen Roughead
Guest lecturers: •
Joe Galloway – Decorated War Correspondent and Co-Author of We Were Soldiers Once…and Young
Justin Constantine – Lt. Colonel, USMC Reserve, speaker and veteran's advocate
Gregory Melikian – Former Army sergeant selected to announce the unconditional surrender of Germany and the end of WWII in Europe
Evening flag lowering and Taps performance with Jari Villanueva - Retired Air Force bugler from Arlington National Cemetery and foremost authority on Taps and other United States military bugle calls
Service branch get-togethers hosted throughout the voyage by our distinguished retired military senior officers
Panel Discussion with Mrs. Mullen, Mrs. Casey, Mrs. Roughead & Mrs. Schwartz on the joys, challenges and changing dynamics of military family life
Cruise deck walkabout for veterans
Stars and Stripes Sailaway
Military Film Festival
Spectacular military themed shows and entertainment
Onboard programming and activities to include:
Special guests: •Admiral Michael Mullen (Ret.), former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Mrs. Deborah Mullen
•General George Casey (Ret.), former Army Chief of Staff and Mrs. Sheila Casey
General Norton Schwartz (Ret.), former Air Force Chief of Staff and Mrs. Suzie Schwartz
Admiral Gary Roughead (Ret.), former Chief of Naval Operations and Mrs. Ellen Roughead
Guest lecturers: •
Joe Galloway – Decorated War Correspondent and Co-Author of We Were Soldiers Once…and Young
Justin Constantine – Lt. Colonel, USMC Reserve, speaker and veteran's advocate
Gregory Melikian – Former Army sergeant selected to announce the unconditional surrender of Germany and the end of WWII in Europe
Evening flag lowering and Taps performance with Jari Villanueva - Retired Air Force bugler from Arlington National Cemetery and foremost authority on Taps and other United States military bugle calls
Service branch get-togethers hosted throughout the voyage by our distinguished retired military senior officers
Panel Discussion with Mrs. Mullen, Mrs. Casey, Mrs. Roughead & Mrs. Schwartz on the joys, challenges and changing dynamics of military family life
Cruise deck walkabout for veterans
Stars and Stripes Sailaway
Military Film Festival
Spectacular military themed shows and entertainment
Thanks to Terry O'Neill, Sr. for contributing this piece of Vietnam Veterans of America History. Terry was one of the members of the "original" VVA Denver Chapter and who has now transferred to Chapter 1071. Welcome Terry!
A "trip report" by Bob of the WWII veterans who participated in the Rocky Mountain Honor Flight event from March 21-23, 2013. Thanks to our Chapter Secretary, Lee White for assisting these amazing WWII veterans on their trip and for forwarding Mr. Thompson's report to us.
To Learn more about the Community Veterans Coalition click the button
Thanks to Joseph Plant for making us aware of this program. Check out the website!
"Above and Beyond" The National Vietnam Veterans Art Museum in

When visitors first enter the museum, they will hear a sound like wind chimes coming
from above them and their attention will be drawn upward 24 feet to the ceiling
of the two-story high atrium.
Dog tags of the more than 58,000 service men and women who died in the Vietnam War hang from the ceiling of the National Vietnam Veterans Art Museum in Chicago on Veterans Day, November 11, 2010.
The 10-by-40-foot sculpture, entitled Above & Beyond, was designed by Ned
Broderick and Richard Steinbock.
The tens of thousands of metal dog tags are suspended 24 feet in the air, 1 inch apart, from fine lines that allow them to move and chime with shifting air currents. Museum employees using a kiosk and laser pointer help visitors locate the exact dog tag with the imprinted name of their lost friend or relative.
from above them and their attention will be drawn upward 24 feet to the ceiling
of the two-story high atrium.
Dog tags of the more than 58,000 service men and women who died in the Vietnam War hang from the ceiling of the National Vietnam Veterans Art Museum in Chicago on Veterans Day, November 11, 2010.
The 10-by-40-foot sculpture, entitled Above & Beyond, was designed by Ned
Broderick and Richard Steinbock.
The tens of thousands of metal dog tags are suspended 24 feet in the air, 1 inch apart, from fine lines that allow them to move and chime with shifting air currents. Museum employees using a kiosk and laser pointer help visitors locate the exact dog tag with the imprinted name of their lost friend or relative.
For the second time this year, our Chapter has manned an informational table at the Colorado Militaria Show held at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds. The event runs from 8 AM to 3 PM and is open to the public
Chapter members Dan Dietz, Richard Cox, Tony Lopez, Ed Koenig, Lee White and John Ed Young helped to man the table throughout the day. Although traffic appeared to be lighter than at the last Show, we still met with many veterans and other interesting individuals. Many thanks to the our members who participated in the Show this month. We have reserved a table for the next event on July 21st.
Chapter members Dan Dietz, Richard Cox, Tony Lopez, Ed Koenig, Lee White and John Ed Young helped to man the table throughout the day. Although traffic appeared to be lighter than at the last Show, we still met with many veterans and other interesting individuals. Many thanks to the our members who participated in the Show this month. We have reserved a table for the next event on July 21st.
Vietnam Veterans of America
Chapter 1075 - Colorado Springs
Congratulations on the formation of your new chapter!
We look forward to meeting you at the State Council Meeting in March,
Welcome Home Brothers,
All the Members from VVA Chapter 1071 - Denver
Food Drive - Thank you to all Members for helping out!

Our members brought a considerable amout of foodstuffs to this months meeting. The food drive was in response to an emergeny request for canned goods by American Legion Post 82. The collected food will be picked up by Redistribution Center, Inc. (RCI) for distribution to veterans who are in need.
John Ed Young has set up donation bins at the Jeffco Workforce office so we can continue this effort.
If you would like to continue this effort, feel free to bring a can or two to each Chapter meeting. It's a great way to help veterans in need.
John Ed Young has set up donation bins at the Jeffco Workforce office so we can continue this effort.
If you would like to continue this effort, feel free to bring a can or two to each Chapter meeting. It's a great way to help veterans in need.
............continued collection.

L to R: Ed Koenig, RIchard Cox, John Ed Young, Tony Lopez and Dan Dietz
After our monthly meeting, more food had been collected. Our Chapter President, John Ed Young made a call to RCI for the pickup.
Colorado Militaria Show - Sunday, January 20, 2013
The Boss Man

Dan Dietz
Dan DIetz, Jim Thompson and Tony Lopez agreed that hosting the VVA Chapter 1071 membership/infomation table at the Colorado Militaria Show was an absolute success. We talked with veterans from several conflicts with the majority of the folks being Vietnam or Vietnam Era vets. We handed out approximately 14 membership application forms along with informational flyers on Agent Orange, veteran's benefits and Chapter 1071 information. Three of the veterans seemed strongly interested in joining our chapter and a few others demonstrated a more than casual interest in joining. Time will tell!
In addition, we gave one membership transfer form to an existing VVA Lifetime Member and expect to have that individual affiliate with our chapter in the very near future.
Most importantly, we talked to two veterans who had applied for VA benefits in the past but whose claims had been denied; one claim was for prostate cancer and the other for heart problems. We directed
both individuals to a veteran's advocate that we met at the show. He is a Veterans Service Officer(VSO) for the American Legion and was anxious to help with new claims or to re-open old claims. In addition, we met a Vietnam Veteran who was diagnosed with Type-2 Diabetes several years ago. He had no idea that he might be eligible for healthcare or disability compensation from the VA so we directed him to the American Legion VSO as well.
Due to the positive response that we received from so many Show attendees, we determined that it would be beneficial for our Chapter to return for the next show.
The next show is scheduled for Sunday, April 21st and we have our table reserved. Please check your schedules for that day and see if you can contribute either a half day or a full day to help staff
the VVA Chapter 1071 Table. We think you will find it both enjoyable and very rewarding to interact with the Show attendees. Talk to Dan or Tony if you can help out and we will give you the "5 minute" crash course on how to run the table!
A big thanks to Dan DIetz for informing us about the Colorado Militaria organization and for his hard work in coordinating our presence at the event. Also, thanks to Jim Thompson for making us laugh and
keeping us on our toes the entire morning! It's always good to see a familiar face in the crowd and for that we thank Owen Oliver and Ron Wilson and his wife Kris for coming out to visit with us and offer their
Thanks to Dean Casey, the veterans advocate that we met at the Show. His offer to assist any veterans that we might meet was much appreciated. Dean can be reached at: American Legion, 155 Van Gordon St., Lakewood, CO 80225 (303) 914-5585.
.....and finally, a special thanks to the Colorado Militaria organization for providing a free table to the Chapter and allowing us to further our mission.
In addition, we gave one membership transfer form to an existing VVA Lifetime Member and expect to have that individual affiliate with our chapter in the very near future.
Most importantly, we talked to two veterans who had applied for VA benefits in the past but whose claims had been denied; one claim was for prostate cancer and the other for heart problems. We directed
both individuals to a veteran's advocate that we met at the show. He is a Veterans Service Officer(VSO) for the American Legion and was anxious to help with new claims or to re-open old claims. In addition, we met a Vietnam Veteran who was diagnosed with Type-2 Diabetes several years ago. He had no idea that he might be eligible for healthcare or disability compensation from the VA so we directed him to the American Legion VSO as well.
Due to the positive response that we received from so many Show attendees, we determined that it would be beneficial for our Chapter to return for the next show.
The next show is scheduled for Sunday, April 21st and we have our table reserved. Please check your schedules for that day and see if you can contribute either a half day or a full day to help staff
the VVA Chapter 1071 Table. We think you will find it both enjoyable and very rewarding to interact with the Show attendees. Talk to Dan or Tony if you can help out and we will give you the "5 minute" crash course on how to run the table!
A big thanks to Dan DIetz for informing us about the Colorado Militaria organization and for his hard work in coordinating our presence at the event. Also, thanks to Jim Thompson for making us laugh and
keeping us on our toes the entire morning! It's always good to see a familiar face in the crowd and for that we thank Owen Oliver and Ron Wilson and his wife Kris for coming out to visit with us and offer their
Thanks to Dean Casey, the veterans advocate that we met at the Show. His offer to assist any veterans that we might meet was much appreciated. Dean can be reached at: American Legion, 155 Van Gordon St., Lakewood, CO 80225 (303) 914-5585.
.....and finally, a special thanks to the Colorado Militaria organization for providing a free table to the Chapter and allowing us to further our mission.
The Humor Man - Jim Thompson Dan guarding his bush hat
(To view the flyers we created for use at this event, go to the Library/Reference Materials PAGE on our website)
Colorado Militaria Show - Sunday, January 20, 2013
VVA Chapter 1071 will have a "Recruiting Table" set up at the Colorado Militaria Show this Sunday. The show will be held at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds from 8 AM until 3 PM. We will have four Chapter members manning the membership recruiting table all day so come by and say hello and, also, check out the great military gear on display. Sure to bring back some memories from back in the day! To learn more about the Colorado Militaria Show and for directions to the Fairgrounds, check out their website at:
Hope to see you there!
Hope to see you there!