Honors Burial Program Interview
Channel 9 televised an interview about our Honors Burial program with Stan Paprocki, Leonard Smith and Jim Topkoff as well as Mike Skolaut of Crown Hill Cemetery.
Click the button below to view the interview.
Channel 9 televised an interview about our Honors Burial program with Stan Paprocki, Leonard Smith and Jim Topkoff as well as Mike Skolaut of Crown Hill Cemetery.
Click the button below to view the interview.
Congressional Budget Office Suggests Raising Tricare Fees,
Cutting Veteran Benefits to Slash Deficit December 2018
Cutting Veteran Benefits to Slash Deficit December 2018
*Option 34 Narrow Eligibility for Veterans’ Disability Compensation by Excluding Certain Disabilities Unrelated to Military Duties
*Option 35 End VA’s Individual Unemployability Payments to Disabled Veterans at the Full Retirement Age for Social Security
*Option 36 Reduce VA’s Disability Benefits to Veterans Who Are Older Than the Full Retirement Age for Social Security
*Option 37 Narrow Eligibility for VA’s Disability Compensation by Excluding Veterans With Low Disability Ratings
*Option 35 End VA’s Individual Unemployability Payments to Disabled Veterans at the Full Retirement Age for Social Security
*Option 36 Reduce VA’s Disability Benefits to Veterans Who Are Older Than the Full Retirement Age for Social Security
*Option 37 Narrow Eligibility for VA’s Disability Compensation by Excluding Veterans With Low Disability Ratings
Hypertension Upgraded in Latest Biennial Review of Research on Health Problems in Veterans That May Be Linked to Agent Orange Exposure During Vietnam War.
From VVA National Headquarters 11/15/18
From VVA National Headquarters 11/15/18
Veterans Day Poppy Fundraiser 2018
Veterans Day Poppy Donation Fundraiser was a great success at the Green Mountain, Thornton, Arvada, and Littleton King Soopers stores on November 10, 2018.
Jim Williams, 'The Man at the Wall,' dies at age 84
Veterans Day Events at Ben Franklin Academy 2018
2018 Wings Over the Rockies Gala
VVA 1071 President Stan Paproki and Vice President Terry Ritenour representing our Chapter at the 2018 Wings Over the Rockies Gala that honored Governor John Hickenlooper on 11/08/18.
Veterans Day Breakfast and classroom visit at Green Mountain H.S.
An invitation to Veterans Day Breakfast and classroom visit at Green Mountain H.S. on 11/8/18. Veterans split up and talked to different classrooms afterward.
Veterans Day Parade at Mountain Range H.S.
Veterans Day Parade at Mountain Range H.S. on 11/7/18. One of many events that were held.
Sacred Duty: A Soldier’s Tour at Arlington National Cemetery
2018 Jazzed Benefit
Members attending the 2018 Jazzed Benefit for Inner City Health Center 10/19/2018
Green Mountain H.S. Tailgate Party & Pregame Recognition Ceremony
Green Mountain High School Football and National Honor Society invited Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1071 to a varsity football game and tailgate party on October 5th at Trailblazer Stadium. Green Mountain won over Conifer 21 - 7.
2018 West Metro Veterans Fair
The 2018 West Metro Veterans Fair was held at the Elks Lakewood Lodge #1777. More than 45 organizations that serve military veterans were on-hand to offer help to vets on Sept. 25th. This is the 6th year that Lakewood has held this event that included free health screenings, Flu shots and a barbecue on the patio.
2018 Solders Stone Visit
Members Owen Oliver, Vern Moore, Terry Ritenour, Don Bates, Steve Randolph and David Steiner visited Solders Stone on 9/29/18 near Saguache, Colorado.
2018 Arvada Harvest Festival Parade
The Grand Marshals of the Parade were VVA Chapter 1071 Members.
Members rode in Army 5 ton trucks and some walked in the parade on Sept 8th 2018.
Members rode in Army 5 ton trucks and some walked in the parade on Sept 8th 2018.
8/4/2018 BOD Meeting at
Wings Over the Rockies Museum
Wings Over the Rockies Museum
Board members met at the Wings Over the Rockies for their Board Meeting and discussed the future display for their UH-1 Helicopter that was donated by Col. Bill McPherson. Our Chapter will be making a donation for the Huey diorama. The Board was ecstatic by the return of Board Member Al Roettger to our meeting. Thank you Marty for the great photos.
Jeffco Platoon 50th Year Celebration
Members Joe Sleevi and Don Emmot organized the Jeffco Platoon 50th year celebration held on 6/30/2018. Members of the platoon were sworn in together on June 28, 1968, and that’s why the pair wanted to host a 50-year get together for as many members of the platoon as possible on June 30.
Members Joe Sleevi and Don Emmot organized the Jeffco Platoon 50th year celebration held on 6/30/2018. Members of the platoon were sworn in together on June 28, 1968, and that’s why the pair wanted to host a 50-year get together for as many members of the platoon as possible on June 30.
Daniel Van Roth Funeral Ft Logan June 20, 2018
Marine Vietnam Veteran Daniel Vanrom was laid to rest at Ft Logan on June 20, 2018. Attending the ceremony were members Phil Waters, Bruce Gottschalk, Steve Newton, Marty Chavez, Trinidad Rael, Ted Hildebrand, Lynn Herbert, Bob Turnham, Jose Gonzales and Jan Housey.
Tony Romero Funeral Ft Logan June 18, 2018
Army Vietnam Veteran Tony Romero the brother of Member Andy Romero was laid to rest at Ft Logan on June 18, 2018. Attending the ceremony was members Andy Romero, Terry Ritenour, Steve Newton, Marty Chavez, Trinidad Rael, Joe Romero, Lynn Herbert, Bobby Campoy and Jose Gonzales.
Mead High School Visit May 24, 2018
Chapter members met with students of Mead High School on May 24, 2018. The students created items about Veterans on the wall that Bob Wyatt will take to the Wall in
Washington DC.
Washington DC.
Memorial Day Poppy Fundraiser 2018
Memorial Day Poppy Donation Fundraiser was a great success at the Green Mountain, Thornton, Arvada, and Ken Caryl King Soopers stores.
Brighton Vietnam Veterans Memorial Dedication
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Dedication on May 28, 2018 was made possible by the hard work of our member Jose Gonzales. Jose met with the City Council of Brighton throughout the planning and construction of this beautiful monument that honors the Vietnam Veterans of Brighton and the surrounding communities. See great videos below.
Dan Dietz
Rest in Peace
May 5, 1952 - April 28, 2018
Rest in Peace
May 5, 1952 - April 28, 2018
I regret to inform you that our member Dan Dietz has passed away 4/28/2018. Our Chapters first meeting was on October 1, 2012 and Dan was there as one of our founding members and was the first Treasurer of our Chapter. Dan's unselfish contributions and dedication has helped make our chapter a great success that it is today. Our prayers and thoughts go out to his family.
Green Mountain High School Visit April 19, 2018
Our members Jim Higgins, Steve Newton, Eddie Shreeve and Phil Waters, talked to the students of Green Mountain High School about their experiences in Vietnam on April 19, 2018.
Member Vern Hume's Funeral April 12, 2018
Attending the funeral at Fort Logan were Terry Ritenour, Jim Topkoff, Jose Gonzalez, Jim Miles, and Marty Chavez. Also attending were the Veterans Honor Guard, Ft Logan Team, US Army Honor Team and Colorado State Patrol.
Dakota Ridge High School Visit April 11, 2018
Our members Jim Higgins, Stan Paprocki, Bill Robbins, Eddie Shreeve and Phil Waters, talked to the students of Dakota Ridge High School about their experiences in Vietnam on April 11, 2018.
Columbine High School Visit April 09, 2018
Our members Marty Chavez, Cliff Fejfar, Jim Higgins, Lynn Herbert, Miller Hudson, David Steiner, and Phil Waters, talked to the students of Columbine High School about their experience in Vietnam on April 9, 2018.
Mead High School Visit April 05, 2018
Our members John Altfeltis, Robert Doriss, Stan Paprocki, Terry Ritenour, and Phil Waters, talked to the students of Mead High School about their experience in Vietnam on April 5, 2018.
Adams County School District 14 Honors Chapter 1071 Members
Vietnam War Commemoration Event at Ft. Logan National Cemetery
Vietnam War Commemoration Event at Ft. Logan National Cemetery on March 29, 2018. Thank you Robert Waples of the Patriot Guard Riders for the photos.
Vietnam 50th year Commemoration DAR Presentation
March 28th DAR presentation of 50th year commemoration certificates and pins of the Vietnam War was held at the Northglenn Elks Lodge.
Colorado MIA/POW Items
by Mary Ann and Dan
by Mary Ann and Dan
Members Dan Dietz and Mary Ann Whitehead presented at our March 17, 2018 members meeting a Colorado POW/MIA Dog Tag Plaque and Binder containing “The Wall of Faces” of Colorado Veterans who are Unaccounted-For from the Vietnam War. These two items will be used for our High School visits and members meetings. The slide show is of the binder that Mary Ann made. Dan Dietz restored and refinished an antique wooden plaque to mount the dog tags. Our Chapter thanks Dan and Mary Ann for creating these items for our Chapter.
Clothing Drive Thank You Letter
Thank you letter from Mountain Resource Center for our clothing drive that Member Rick Winfrey collected for the Veterans in the mountains.
Thank you letter from Mountain Resource Center for our clothing drive that Member Rick Winfrey collected for the Veterans in the mountains.
Ted Asti, former Superior mayor and World War II veteran, celebrated turning 100 birthday.
Members Steve Newton, Jose Gonzales and Lew Roman attending the 100th Birthday of World War II Veteran Ted Asti. Click button below for Broomfield Enterprise the article.

Click on each text
below to read more
VVA On VA Secretary Shulkin’s Departure 03/28/2018
Our Veterans Need VA Secretary Shulkin 03/16/2018
Ft Logan Funeral for Cpl. Richard Czajkowski, USMC
Military funeral was for 73 year old Vietnam veteran, Cpl. Richard Czajkowski, USMC,
1071 members who attended were Stan Paprocki, Steve Newton, Bill Robbins and Marty Chavez. Members of the Patriot Guard, A L post 22 Honor Guard also attended. 1071 member George Horgan was the main contact who put this together along with Steve Newton. Widow Linda Czajkowski and her family were very appreciative for our presence and support.
1071 members who attended were Stan Paprocki, Steve Newton, Bill Robbins and Marty Chavez. Members of the Patriot Guard, A L post 22 Honor Guard also attended. 1071 member George Horgan was the main contact who put this together along with Steve Newton. Widow Linda Czajkowski and her family were very appreciative for our presence and support.
VVA’s Guidance for the Rapid Appeals Modernization Program (RAMP) letter.
Due to various factors, it is the current position of the Veterans Benefits Program (VBP) that veterans not opt-in to RAMP at this time. Please read letter below.
Due to various factors, it is the current position of the Veterans Benefits Program (VBP) that veterans not opt-in to RAMP at this time. Please read letter below.