Veterans Benefits Administration link
New VA Resource Navigator: Finding VA resources
VA has developed a new tool, the Resource Navigator to help Veterans easily find and use VA resources.
Federal Benefits for Veterans
Dependents and Survivors
2023 Edition
Web resources
Benefits overview:
Health care:
Agent Orange registry exam:
eBenefits (24/7 access to VA and Department of Defense benefits):
Compensation for Agent Orange exposure:
Survivor benefits:
Benefits for Veterans’ children with birth defects:
VA Burial Benefits:
Your VA claim exam questions answered:
Telephone resources
Health care: 1-877-222-8387
Benefits: 1-800-827-1000
TDD (hearing impaired): 1-800-829-4833
Web resources
Benefits overview:
Health care:
Agent Orange registry exam:
eBenefits (24/7 access to VA and Department of Defense benefits):
Compensation for Agent Orange exposure:
Survivor benefits:
Benefits for Veterans’ children with birth defects:
VA Burial Benefits:
Your VA claim exam questions answered:
Telephone resources
Health care: 1-877-222-8387
Benefits: 1-800-827-1000
TDD (hearing impaired): 1-800-829-4833
Many Veteran families are ill- prepared for the ultimate event. The passing of a Veteran. This allows for needless confusion to be added to the grieving process.
The PAPER SAFE is a place to store information that will assist your family at the time of your passing. These documents were created by the AVVA.
Click below for more information and to download necessary documents.
The PAPER SAFE is a place to store information that will assist your family at the time of your passing. These documents were created by the AVVA.
Click below for more information and to download necessary documents.
VA caregiver benefits expand to all vets on Oct. 1
There are numerous ways to apply for VA disability benefits depending on the type of benefit you are seeking:
- Online using an eBenefits account
- Complete and mail your claim form to your nearest VA regional office
- Go to a VA regional office and have a VA employee assist you. To find the VA regional office nearest you, use the Veterans Affairs National Facilities Locator or call VA toll free at 1-800-827-1000.
- Work with an accredited representative or agent
Link to the Veteran Service Officer (VSO) for _your county.
The VSO will assist you with your claim and submit it for you at no cost to you.
The VSO will assist you with your claim and submit it for you at no cost to you.
VA Regional Office
155 Van Gordon St
Denver, CO 80225
VA Eastern Colorado Health Care System
Newsletter April 2019
Newsletter April 2019
Correcting Military Service Records
Link below for forms for applications for Corrections to Military Records and Review of Discharge or Dismissal
Link below for forms for applications for Corrections to Military Records and Review of Discharge or Dismissal
Pre-Need Burial Eligibility Determination
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) implemented the pre-need burial eligibility determination program to assist anyone who would like to know if they are eligible for burial in a VA national cemetery. VA is promoting pre-need eligibility determinations to encourage Veterans and their eligible family members to plan in advance to use VA burial benefits that Veterans have earned through their military service. Planning in advance for a Veteran’s or loved-one's final resting place can eliminate unnecessary delays and reduce stress on a family at a difficult time. Veteran families will have increased confidence that their loved ones are eligible for burial in a VA national cemetery at their time of need.
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) implemented the pre-need burial eligibility determination program to assist anyone who would like to know if they are eligible for burial in a VA national cemetery. VA is promoting pre-need eligibility determinations to encourage Veterans and their eligible family members to plan in advance to use VA burial benefits that Veterans have earned through their military service. Planning in advance for a Veteran’s or loved-one's final resting place can eliminate unnecessary delays and reduce stress on a family at a difficult time. Veteran families will have increased confidence that their loved ones are eligible for burial in a VA national cemetery at their time of need.
Combat Veterans Get Telephonic Health Care Application Option from the VA
VA News Release
Combat Veterans Get Telephonic Health Care Application Option
Accelerates Enrollment of Combat Veterans; All Veterans to Get Option on July 5, 2016
VA News Release
Combat Veterans Get Telephonic Health Care Application Option
Accelerates Enrollment of Combat Veterans; All Veterans to Get Option on July 5, 2016
Were you Exposed to Toxic Water at Camp LeJeune?
If you were at the base from 1953 to 1987 - for 30 days or more - and developed a major illness you may qualify for compensation.
Below are some possible options for transportation in the metro-Denver area for veterans.
1. DAV Transportation: Round trip to and from the VA hospital. Within the limits of 92nd to the North. Belleview To the South. E-470 To the East. And Youngfield to the West. You must be able to get in and out of the van by yourself. You may bring a walker, cane, or Crutches. You must have an appointment at the Hospital, and it is recommended that you call as far in advance as possible, and check to be sure you live within the area. Office is open Monday thru Friday 8 am to 1 pm. Phone: 303- 393-4605.
2. RTD Access-A-Ride. If you are disabled you can contact RTD at 303-480-2000 and tell them you are disabled and you need to be able to use Access-A-Ride. They will send you some paperwork for your Dr. to sign. You will then go to Easter Seals in Lakewood for an interview. If qualified you will receive a ID card in the mail which will allow you to use the regular scheduled buses at no cost to you. All buses are equipped to transport wheel chair riders. Or you can call for Access-A-Ride, which charges $4.50 each way, at 303-292-6560.
2. RTD Access-A-Ride. If you are disabled you can contact RTD at 303-480-2000 and tell them you are disabled and you need to be able to use Access-A-Ride. They will send you some paperwork for your Dr. to sign. You will then go to Easter Seals in Lakewood for an interview. If qualified you will receive a ID card in the mail which will allow you to use the regular scheduled buses at no cost to you. All buses are equipped to transport wheel chair riders. Or you can call for Access-A-Ride, which charges $4.50 each way, at 303-292-6560.
Colorado Resource Portal for Veterans

A new Military Order of the Purple Heart Chapter 1041 recently opened in Arvada, serving Purple Heart recipients and veterans across the Front Range west of I-25, south near Highlands Ranch to north in Broomfield. Frank Griggs and Jeff Birdwell started this chapter in January. Chapter 1041’s meetings will be the second Saturday, at 10 am with breakfast at 9 am, at the Elks Lodge 2278, 5700 Yukon St. For more information contact Frank Griggs, 303-946-3321.