Vietnam War Veterans Memorial History
Allen McCabe, a U.S. National Mall Volunteer, tells the story of how the Vietnam War affected the citizens of the United States; also how the Memorial was first conceptualized and transformed into a lasting Memorial on the U.S. National Mall in Washington, DC.
Allen McCabe, a U.S. National Mall Volunteer, tells the story of how the Vietnam War affected the citizens of the United States; also how the Memorial was first conceptualized and transformed into a lasting Memorial on the U.S. National Mall in Washington, DC.

Thank you - The Toxic Exposure Research Act of 2015 becomes law
Vietnam Veterans of America
Legislative Update
December 23, 2016
The 114th Congress has recessed for the year.
On behalf of John Rowan, VVA National President and the Board of Directors we would like to thank you for all of your grassroots advocacy support over the past year.
With that said, on December 16, 2016, the President of the United States provides VVA with a tremendous victory when he signed into law H.R. 6416, the Jeff Miller and Richard Blumenthal Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2016.
The new law in Subtitle C-Toxic Exposure, includes S.901 the Toxic Exposure Research Act of 2015 an issue that VVA has been working on for the past eight years. Go to and type in H.R. 6416 to view the new law.
The bill would not have passed into law without your grassroots support and VVA shares this victory with you.
Have a safe and wonderful holiday and VVA look forward to working with you in the upcoming 115th Congress on legislative issues that will enhance the lives of veterans and their families.
The Government Affairs Team
Rick, Bernie, Sharon, Kris, Tom, Carl, Jim, and Joe
Vietnam Veterans of America
Legislative Update
December 23, 2016
The 114th Congress has recessed for the year.
On behalf of John Rowan, VVA National President and the Board of Directors we would like to thank you for all of your grassroots advocacy support over the past year.
With that said, on December 16, 2016, the President of the United States provides VVA with a tremendous victory when he signed into law H.R. 6416, the Jeff Miller and Richard Blumenthal Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2016.
The new law in Subtitle C-Toxic Exposure, includes S.901 the Toxic Exposure Research Act of 2015 an issue that VVA has been working on for the past eight years. Go to and type in H.R. 6416 to view the new law.
The bill would not have passed into law without your grassroots support and VVA shares this victory with you.
Have a safe and wonderful holiday and VVA look forward to working with you in the upcoming 115th Congress on legislative issues that will enhance the lives of veterans and their families.
The Government Affairs Team
Rick, Bernie, Sharon, Kris, Tom, Carl, Jim, and Joe

Front Range Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, wishes to honor Vietnam Veterans in observance of the 50th Anniversary of Vietnam War Commemoration, and present you with a certificate from the National Society and pin in recognition of your courage, sacrifice and valor during the Vietnam Era. Janet Beiner, Regent of Front Range Chapter, and Linda Fishel, Service For Veterans Committee Chair, attended the October meeting to explain the event and the recognition, and over thirty VVA members have signed up to participate in this recognition event. The presentation is presently being planned for February or March. If you are willing to receive this honor and a thank-you from the DAR on behalf of a grateful nation, please email your full name, military branch, and contact phone number to Janet Beiner, Regent, Front Range Chapter NSDAR, at by November 30, 2016.
Veterans Day Poppy Fundraiser 2016
A big thank you to our chapter members at the Green Mountain and Thornton King Soopers stores for our biggest ever donation collection. We collected a total of more than $2,602.00 in a little more than a 3 hour effort on Saturday November 12th.
Message from VVA National President John Rowan
Early Saturday morning, the Miller-Blumenthal Veterans Health Care and Benefits Act, H.R. 6416,
passed the Senate and is now on the way to the President’s Desk for signature into law. Among the
76 separate provisions of the bill are measures aimed at improving veterans’ access to care, benefits,
education, and homeless assistance.
Also included in the legislation are the provisions of the Toxic Exposure Research Act.
My heartfelt congratulations go to all of you who answered the call and took action, organizing over
250 Agent Orange town hall meetings throughout our nation; activating your communities; and working
with your representatives on Capitol Hill. Through your relentless perseverance, your voices have
been heard.
This legislation, a necessary first step, will lay the groundwork for the research we need
on the health of our children and grandchildren, whom we believe have been impacted by
exposures during our military serviceand in keeping with our founding principle, this
legislation will ensure that our newer veterans will not have to wait 50 years for answers.
This is a milestone. Stand by. Our work is not done.
Early Saturday morning, the Miller-Blumenthal Veterans Health Care and Benefits Act, H.R. 6416,
passed the Senate and is now on the way to the President’s Desk for signature into law. Among the
76 separate provisions of the bill are measures aimed at improving veterans’ access to care, benefits,
education, and homeless assistance.
Also included in the legislation are the provisions of the Toxic Exposure Research Act.
My heartfelt congratulations go to all of you who answered the call and took action, organizing over
250 Agent Orange town hall meetings throughout our nation; activating your communities; and working
with your representatives on Capitol Hill. Through your relentless perseverance, your voices have
been heard.
This legislation, a necessary first step, will lay the groundwork for the research we need
on the health of our children and grandchildren, whom we believe have been impacted by
exposures during our military serviceand in keeping with our founding principle, this
legislation will ensure that our newer veterans will not have to wait 50 years for answers.
This is a milestone. Stand by. Our work is not done.
More from John Rowan
From the very first days of VVA we have been concerned about “Bad Paper” that was improperly given to hundreds of thousands of Vietnam veterans in an administrative process, without benefit of counsel, and with no due process accorded to the individual involved.
Every aspect of their life was affected--from no access to VA medical care; no GI bill; difficulty finding a job; and without any of the myriad benefits accorded to veterans. All of this was on top of the stigma of no honorable discharge, even though, for many, this was due to PTSD, yet unrecognized by the medical profession. Unfortunately, the same injustices are happening to those returning from the current wars. There is even less excuse for this happening today. We know what PTSD is, and so do the military commands. However many are still allowed to treat those with PTSD as discipline problems rather than medical problems.
Late Thursday, The Fairness for Veterans Act --as incorporated into the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)--was passed and has been sent to the President. This act will require Discharge Review Boards to apply “liberal consideration” for veterans appealing for upgrades on the basis of PTSD, TBI, or MST. It will also require that the Discharge Review Boards consider all medical evidence provided by the applicant. VVA will be all over the services to press for full and effective implementation of this landmark legislation, and will continue to call on Congress to fully investigate the issue of bad paper. We thank Kris Goldsmith for leading the charge on this important legislation.
From the very first days of VVA we have been concerned about “Bad Paper” that was improperly given to hundreds of thousands of Vietnam veterans in an administrative process, without benefit of counsel, and with no due process accorded to the individual involved.
Every aspect of their life was affected--from no access to VA medical care; no GI bill; difficulty finding a job; and without any of the myriad benefits accorded to veterans. All of this was on top of the stigma of no honorable discharge, even though, for many, this was due to PTSD, yet unrecognized by the medical profession. Unfortunately, the same injustices are happening to those returning from the current wars. There is even less excuse for this happening today. We know what PTSD is, and so do the military commands. However many are still allowed to treat those with PTSD as discipline problems rather than medical problems.
Late Thursday, The Fairness for Veterans Act --as incorporated into the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)--was passed and has been sent to the President. This act will require Discharge Review Boards to apply “liberal consideration” for veterans appealing for upgrades on the basis of PTSD, TBI, or MST. It will also require that the Discharge Review Boards consider all medical evidence provided by the applicant. VVA will be all over the services to press for full and effective implementation of this landmark legislation, and will continue to call on Congress to fully investigate the issue of bad paper. We thank Kris Goldsmith for leading the charge on this important legislation.
November 10, 2016
SAVE THE DATES: November 16 and 30, 2016 - VVA Advocacy Call-in Days - Supporting passage of S.2921, the Veterans First Act.
The 114th Congress will return for a final two-month session on November 14, 2016. VVA needs your voices to be heard loud and clear on the Capitol Hill regarding your support for the passage of S.2921, the Veterans First Act.
This legislation includes S.901, the Toxic Exposure Research Act of 2015. It extends caregiver benefits to catastrophically injured veterans who served prior to 9/11; it improves mental-health access for all veterans; it addresses the culture at the VA by improving accountability to make it easier for the VA Secretary to remove bad actors at all levels of the department; and it provides program and services for homeless veterans. This bi-partisan bill with 44 cosponsors was introduced in the Senate by Senator Isakson, Chair of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, and Senator Blumenthal, Ranking Member.
Check your emails and be on the lookout for VVA call-in alerts in support of S.2921, the Veterans First Act.
S.2921 -- Cosponsors
S.2921 - Non-cosponsors
November 10, 2016
SAVE THE DATES: November 16 and 30, 2016 - VVA Advocacy Call-in Days - Supporting passage of S.2921, the Veterans First Act.
The 114th Congress will return for a final two-month session on November 14, 2016. VVA needs your voices to be heard loud and clear on the Capitol Hill regarding your support for the passage of S.2921, the Veterans First Act.
This legislation includes S.901, the Toxic Exposure Research Act of 2015. It extends caregiver benefits to catastrophically injured veterans who served prior to 9/11; it improves mental-health access for all veterans; it addresses the culture at the VA by improving accountability to make it easier for the VA Secretary to remove bad actors at all levels of the department; and it provides program and services for homeless veterans. This bi-partisan bill with 44 cosponsors was introduced in the Senate by Senator Isakson, Chair of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, and Senator Blumenthal, Ranking Member.
Check your emails and be on the lookout for VVA call-in alerts in support of S.2921, the Veterans First Act.
S.2921 -- Cosponsors
S.2921 - Non-cosponsors
Brighton Concert for Veterans Nov 9th 2016
Our Chapter will be collecting all cold weather clothing at our November Chapter meeting. Our Member Richard Winfrey, the VSO for Gilpin County, will take everything we collect back to the mountain towns and areas. He will be at our November members meeting. He knows many vets that live up there, with some of these vets living in abandoned cabins and they need our help.
Please check with your family and friends and clear your closets of all those too small or too large items of clothing that you just don't use anymore.
Thanks for your help and generosity!!
"JUST WON'T TOUCH ME NOW" was written and recorded by BERNIE TOWNSEND for Gravel Road Records and was inspired by the experience of a close friend on his return from the Vietnam War. BERNIE TOWNSEND was nominated in the "Adult Contemporary Breakthrough Artist of the Year" category at the NMW US Radio Awards 2016
BERNIE TOWNSEND donated his share of all royalties from "JUST WON'T TOUCH ME NOW" to the Vietnam Veterans of America
"JUST WON'T TOUCH ME NOW" was written and recorded by BERNIE TOWNSEND for Gravel Road Records and was inspired by the experience of a close friend on his return from the Vietnam War. BERNIE TOWNSEND was nominated in the "Adult Contemporary Breakthrough Artist of the Year" category at the NMW US Radio Awards 2016
BERNIE TOWNSEND donated his share of all royalties from "JUST WON'T TOUCH ME NOW" to the Vietnam Veterans of America
Traveling Wall
Some of our Chapter Members attending the Traveling Wall at Furniture Row near Dacona held September 15-18.
Members Visit to Soldiers Stone 8/27/16
On August 27, 2016 Al Roettger, Bruce Gottschalk, Jim Miles, Owen Oliver and Terry Ritenour visited Soldiers Stone near Sargent's Pass, Colorado.
More about Soldiers Stone
Members of our Chapter last visited Soldiers Stone on 10/15/15. See the “Mountaintop Mystery” story from The American Legion Magazine of May 2016
Members of our Chapter last visited Soldiers Stone on 10/15/15. See the “Mountaintop Mystery” story from The American Legion Magazine of May 2016

August 2, 2016
No. 16-21
Mokie Porter
301-585-4000, Ext. 146
VVA: Trump’s Attack on Gold Star Family
is Disgraceful and Un-American
(Washington, DC) – Vietnam Veterans of America is a non-partisan, war-time veterans’ membership and service organization that does not endorse or support political candidates at any level. “However, we cannot remain silent when a Gold Star family member is being publicly denigrated,” said John Rowan, National President of Vietnam Veterans of America. “It is especially reprehensible when that individual is seeking to become the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of our nation. To lash out and disparage a family whose son gave his life defending this country is both shocking and disgraceful,” said Rowan. And though Trump may never have spent a day in uniform, his disdain for the sacrifice of this young man and all who have made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our Constitution is singularly un-American.”
“VVA joins the chorus of congressmen and senators, veterans, and military service organizations, in condemning the flagrantly disloyal utterances of the candidate for President of the Republican Party,” said Rowan.
“We couldn’t agree more with Senator John McCain, who spent five years in a prisoner of war camp in North Vietnam, that the nomination of Mr. Trump ‘is not accompanied by unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us.’ And it was the President who perhaps said it best, added Rowan, ‘We have to do everything we can for those [Gold Star] families, and honor them, and be humbled by them.’ ”
Vietnam Veterans of America is the nation’s only congressionally chartered veterans’ service organization dedicated to the needs of Vietnam-era veterans and their families. VVA’s founding principle is “Never again will one generation of veterans abandon another.”
August 2, 2016
No. 16-21
Mokie Porter
301-585-4000, Ext. 146
VVA: Trump’s Attack on Gold Star Family
is Disgraceful and Un-American
(Washington, DC) – Vietnam Veterans of America is a non-partisan, war-time veterans’ membership and service organization that does not endorse or support political candidates at any level. “However, we cannot remain silent when a Gold Star family member is being publicly denigrated,” said John Rowan, National President of Vietnam Veterans of America. “It is especially reprehensible when that individual is seeking to become the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of our nation. To lash out and disparage a family whose son gave his life defending this country is both shocking and disgraceful,” said Rowan. And though Trump may never have spent a day in uniform, his disdain for the sacrifice of this young man and all who have made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our Constitution is singularly un-American.”
“VVA joins the chorus of congressmen and senators, veterans, and military service organizations, in condemning the flagrantly disloyal utterances of the candidate for President of the Republican Party,” said Rowan.
“We couldn’t agree more with Senator John McCain, who spent five years in a prisoner of war camp in North Vietnam, that the nomination of Mr. Trump ‘is not accompanied by unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us.’ And it was the President who perhaps said it best, added Rowan, ‘We have to do everything we can for those [Gold Star] families, and honor them, and be humbled by them.’ ”
Vietnam Veterans of America is the nation’s only congressionally chartered veterans’ service organization dedicated to the needs of Vietnam-era veterans and their families. VVA’s founding principle is “Never again will one generation of veterans abandon another.”
Our guest speaker for our July 16, 2016 meeting was be Jeremy Garver. The mission of the organization is "To shift the way society views and values our oldest generations by fulfilling seniors' dreams and sharing their stories to inspire those of all ages". It has now granted over 1000 wishes since it was founded in 2008.
Click on image below for link to there website.
Click on image below for link to there website.
Green Mountain High School Visit April 20th 2016
Our members Marty Chavez, Lynn Herbert, Jim Miles, Stan Paprocki, Al Roettger, and, Lance Rommerdahl talked to the students of Green Mountain High School about their experience in Vietnam on April 20th.
A 50th Anniversary Tribute to Vietnam Veterans
Featuring the Voice of Mr. Sam Elliott
Featuring the Voice of Mr. Sam Elliott
Tuesday Tucks Me In Event
Many family's came out to meet Capt. Luis Carlos Montalvan and his dog Tuesday held April 15, 2016 at the Elks Lodge. Everyone enjoyed his presentation especially the children who loved Capt Montalvan's dog Tuesday.
H.R. 1769 and S.901, the Toxic Exposure Research Act bills are placed on the House and Senate Calendar for floor votes
Vietnam Veterans of America
June 1, 2016
Legislative Update: H.R. 1769 and S.901 the Toxic Exposure Research Act of 2015
H.R. 1769, the Toxic Exposure Research Act of 2015, introduced by Congressmen Benishek (MI-1) and Honda (CA-17) with 201 cosponsors was reported out of the House Veterans Affairs Committee on May 24 and placed on the House Union Calendar No. 460 for a floor vote. H.R. 1769 bill legislative language has also been added to Title III Matters Relating to Toxic Exposure in H.R. 5286 the VA Construction and Lease Authorization, Health, and Benefits Enhancement Act introduced by Chairman Miller House Veterans Affairs Chairman on May 19, 2016.
S.901, the Toxic Exposure Research Act of 2015 introduced in the Senate by Senators Jerry Moran (KS) and Richard Blumenthal (CT), with 48 cosponsors, bill legislative language has been included in Title II Subtitle I Research and Toxic Exposure in S.2921, the Veterans First Act introduced by Senators Johnny Isakson (GA), Chairman and Richard Blumenthal (CT), Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs. On May 12, 2016, the Veterans First Act was vote out of the committee and placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders Calendar No. 467 for floor vote. S.2921 Veterans First Act (Reported in Senate - RS) [S.2921.RS][PDF] S.2921 has 42 Senate cosponsors.
The House and Senate now stand in recess until June 3, 2016
Mead High School Visit April 12th 2016
Our members John Altfeltis, Marty Chavez, Dan Dietz, Steve Newton, Dave Steiner, Stan Paprocki, and Al Roettger, talked to the students of Mead High School about their experience in Vietnam on April 12th.

July 7, 2016
"The Big 6" United Behind Veterans First Act. (VVA,VFW, American Legion, Amvets, DAV and Paralyzed Veterans of America)
"The Big 6" United Behind Veterans First Act. (VVA,VFW, American Legion, Amvets, DAV and Paralyzed Veterans of America)
Dakota Ridge High School Visit April 7th & 8th 2016
Our members Cliff Fejfar, Ernest Covington, Rick Claggett, Bill Ferguson, Steve Newton, Stan Paprocki, Al Roettger, Jim Miles, Robert Doriss, and Marty Chavez presented to approximately 290 sophomores in 10 US History classes on April 7th & 8th.
50th Vietnam Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony March 29, 2016 at Fort Logan National Cemetery
Vietnam Veterans Appreciation day at the Capitol
Members of our Chapter attended this first event on March 7, 2016
Members of our Chapter attended this first event on March 7, 2016
VVA President Testimony
Legislative Priorities & Policy Initiatives Presented by John Rowan, National President before the House and Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committees March 3, 2016
Legislative Priorities & Policy Initiatives Presented by John Rowan, National President before the House and Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committees March 3, 2016

February 4, 2016
Presidential Candidates Voice Support for S.901 and H.R.1769
The Toxic Exposure Research Act
Presidential Candidates Voice Support for S.901 and H.R.1769
The Toxic Exposure Research Act
VA’s oldest chapel dedicated 145 years ago
Welcome Lt. Norris MOH Recipient
Lt. Thomas Morris, Medal of Honor Recipient, US Navy SEAL (Retired) and Vietnam Veteran visited Denver 12/10/15. Members of our Chapter and the Colorado Patriot Guard Riders along with others welcomed him at DIA.
Vietnamese/American Monument Dedication
Chapters 1071 and 1106 were invited to attend a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony dedicating a Vietnamese/American Monument located at 2200 West Alameda Avenue, Denver on January 30, 2016. The ceremony unveiled two statues, an American and a Vietnamese soldier to honor those who served together.
Chapters 1071 and 1106 were invited to attend a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony dedicating a Vietnamese/American Monument located at 2200 West Alameda Avenue, Denver on January 30, 2016. The ceremony unveiled two statues, an American and a Vietnamese soldier to honor those who served together.
Please attend the 50th Vietnam Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony on Tuesday, the 29th of March at 1pm in the afternoon at Fort Logan National Cemetery