2019 Christmas Tree at the Wall
Our Chapter patch is officially part of the Christmas tree at the Vietnam Wall in Washinton DC compliments of our dear friend Suzanne Sigona!
Veterans Day Poppy Fundraiser 2019
Veterans Day Poppy Donation Fundraiser was a great success at the Green Mountain, Thornton, Arvada, and Littleton King Soopers stores on November 9, 2019.
Operation Donate with Honor
The Federal Trade Commission Law enforcers unite to challenge deceptive fundraising by fighting fake Veterans Charities
The Federal Trade Commission Law enforcers unite to challenge deceptive fundraising by fighting fake Veterans Charities
Jim Scott April 2, 1935 – October 23, 2019
Jim Scott has been a VVA member since 3/4/2008. He retired from the U.S. Army and served 2 tours in Vietnam. Jim was laid to rest at Fort Logan on Nov 6, 2019, see details in his Obituary.
2019 Solders Stone Visit
Members John Altfeltis, Lynn Herbert, Rusty Morse, Steve Newton, Owen Oliver, and Phil Waters, plus some family members visited Solders Stone on 9/28/19 near Saguache, Colorado.

Click on each text
below to read more
Victory at Last for Blue Water Navy Veterans:
Department of Justice Drops Procopio Decision Appeal 6/05/19
Department of Justice Drops Procopio Decision Appeal 6/05/19
Plaque presentation to Avalanche Harley-Davidson for
The Wall That Heals
The Wall That Heals
On October 22, 2019 our chapter presented a Thank You plaque to the general manager of the Avalanche Harley-Davidson Store for the help in letting us stage the motorcycle escort for
The Wall That Heals at their facility.
The Wall That Heals at their facility.
University of Denver Veterans Legacy Program
More Than a Headstone: Untold Stories from Fort Logan National Cemetery
More Than a Headstone: Untold Stories from Fort Logan National Cemetery
VVA Appreciation Award
The Colorado Elks Association held it's State Convention in early September. During the Saturday business session, on behalf of VVA Chapter 1071, member Brent Pick presented the Award of Appreciation to the Officers and members of the Arvada Elks Lodge for the support they gave for the "Wall That Heals" when it came to Colorado.
Bill Ferguson October 8, 1945 – September 24, 2019
Bill has been a loyal chapter member since Feb 2014. He served in Vietnam as a Combat Engineer for two tours back to back from 1965 – 1966.
Green Mountain H.S. Tailgate Party & Pregame Recognition Ceremony
Green Mountain High School Football and National Honor Society invited Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1071 to a varsity football game and tailgate party on September 27th at Trailblazer Stadium. Green Mountain won over Standley Lake 36 - 13.
2019 West Metro Veterans Fair
The 2019 West Metro Veterans Fair was held at the Elks Lakewood Lodge #1777. More than 35 organizations that serve military veterans were on-hand to offer help to vets on Sept. 24th. This is the 7th year that Lakewood has held this event that included free health screenings, Flu shots and a barbecue on the patio.
Chapter Banners hung at
Green Mountain and Dakota Ridge High Schools
Green Mountain and Dakota Ridge High Schools
Thank you Bill Robbins for the photos of our banners at Green Mountain and Dakota Ridge High Schools being Honorary Members of our Chapter.
Michael Mongelluzzo Funeral Ft Logan Aug 14, 2019
Chapter members attended the funeral of Army Veteran Michael Mongelluzzo at Ft Logan Aug 14, 2019. Michael was at one time a homeless Veteran. He went through the program at Valor Point and was placed in low income housing for Veterans at Archway House in Lakewood where he passed away. Click on button below for 9 News video of event with narration by Member Cliff Fajfar.
VVA National Convention 2019
Members Stan Paprocki, Terry Ritenour, Marty Chavez, Leonard Smith and Phil Waters attended the 19th VVA National Convention in Spokane, Washington on the third week of August. VVA Pres. John Rowan presented the 2019 State Council of the year award to Stan. Our members had a visit at their table with General Wesley Clark and had an enjoyable visit with him.
Bob Hartman Funeral Ft Logan July 26, 2019
Member Bob Hartman was laid to rest at Ft Logan July 26, 2019. Bob was a member since May 2016 and he helped our Chapter out at many events.
Grandson of Bob Hartman raises funds for our Chapter
The 4 year old grandson of Bob Hartman set up a Lemonade Stand to make a donation to our chapter at our July members meeting. We accepted his donation and gave him a standing ovation along with some gifts from our chapter. Below is an email from Alyssa Mischell
Hi Jim, I just wanted to thank you for all of your help and support the past few weeks. We were so touched by all of the VVA members that attended dads service. It was so touching and something my sister and I will never forget. And thank you for the special acknowledgment at the meeting this morning. Thomas did not take his hat off all day and was so excited about all of his special gifts. When we left the meeting and got into the car he said “mom, they really like me”. The standing ovation will be etched in Thomas’ mind forever.
Thank you again for all of your support. Alyssa Mischell
Hi Jim, I just wanted to thank you for all of your help and support the past few weeks. We were so touched by all of the VVA members that attended dads service. It was so touching and something my sister and I will never forget. And thank you for the special acknowledgment at the meeting this morning. Thomas did not take his hat off all day and was so excited about all of his special gifts. When we left the meeting and got into the car he said “mom, they really like me”. The standing ovation will be etched in Thomas’ mind forever.
Thank you again for all of your support. Alyssa Mischell
Lakewood Elks & Vietnam Vets Blood Drive June 15,2019
Lakewood Elks & Vietnam Vets Blood Drive was held on June 15, before during and after our members meeting. Member Steve Randolph thanks the members that gave blood.
Memorial Day Poppy Fundraiser 2019
Media Coverage - TWTH Arrival & Setup 6/18/19 - 6/19/19
Photo credits: Jennifer Bishop, Marty Chavez, Cliff Fejfar, Ray Holtz, Renee Molck, Tom Simpson & Will Webb
John Thompson Opening Ceremony Speaker |
Important message from Jim Topkoff
A meeting was held with the Arvada and Fairmount Fire Dept. officials today 6/6/19 and set the arrangements for the Honor Flag presentation for the arrival of the motorcycle escort and the semi-trailer carrying TWTH.
Two hook and ladder fire trucks will be set up at 63rd and Ward Rd. to receive the contingent at approximately 2:45 PM on Tuesday June 18. The contingent will be directed to turn west on 63rd on it's way to the site. We are encouraging church members, children and our VVA chapter members to come to the site and help us welcome the truck and riders. We have 200 hand held American flags to pass out to anyone who would like to line the route into the church property. We ask our members, their wives, grandchildren, neighbors, etc to come out and help us welcome this amazing memorial to our fair city. People should plan on arriving at the site by 2:15 in order to get their flags and set in place to meet the truck and riders upon their arrival. There will be opportunity for photos etc. after the arrival.
Two hook and ladder fire trucks will be set up at 63rd and Ward Rd. to receive the contingent at approximately 2:45 PM on Tuesday June 18. The contingent will be directed to turn west on 63rd on it's way to the site. We are encouraging church members, children and our VVA chapter members to come to the site and help us welcome the truck and riders. We have 200 hand held American flags to pass out to anyone who would like to line the route into the church property. We ask our members, their wives, grandchildren, neighbors, etc to come out and help us welcome this amazing memorial to our fair city. People should plan on arriving at the site by 2:15 in order to get their flags and set in place to meet the truck and riders upon their arrival. There will be opportunity for photos etc. after the arrival.
After the work of member Jim Topkoff and his team, the founders of The Wall, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, has selected VVA Chapter 1071 to host The Wall That Heals at the Faith Bible Chapel campus near West 64th Avenue and Ward Road Arvada, CO for 2019 National Tour. The exhibit dates of – June 20-23 2019. (Escort arrival - mid-afternoon Tuesday, June 18, 2019, setup day for The Wall- Wednesday, June 19, 2019 and take down The Wall on the afternoon of Sunday, June 23, 2019). The Wall That Heals, a three-quarter scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial along with a mobile Education Center, will be open 24 hours a day and free to the public.
Board member Jim Miles brought up the need for our Chapter members to become aware of the “In Memory” program that is part of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund. Since the Vietnam War ended, thousands of Vietnam veterans have died each year due to Agent Orange exposure, PTSD/suicide, cancer and other causes related to their service. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund’s (VVMF) In Memory program honors those who returned home from Vietnam and later died. Please click on the buttons below to find out about this program.
Board member Jim Miles brought up the need for our Chapter members to become aware of the “In Memory” program that is part of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund. Since the Vietnam War ended, thousands of Vietnam veterans have died each year due to Agent Orange exposure, PTSD/suicide, cancer and other causes related to their service. The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund’s (VVMF) In Memory program honors those who returned home from Vietnam and later died. Please click on the buttons below to find out about this program.
Sweet Sioux UH-1 Ribbon Cutting at Wings Over The Rockies
Memorial Day Poppy Donation Fundraiser was a great success at the Green Mountain, Thornton, Arvada, and Ken Caryl King Soopers stores.
On May 19, 2019 the Wings Over the Rockies invited our Board Members to the Grand Opening Reception and Ribbon Cutting for the UH-1 (M) Gunship that was donated to the museum by COL Bill McPherson (Ret). Our Chapter has made donations for the diorama where the Huey is displayed.
Niwot High School Visit May 7, 2019
Our members John Altfeltis, Don Stanton, Al Roettger, and David Steiner talked to the students of Niwot High School about their experiences in Vietnam.
Mead High School Visit May 3, 2019
Our members Don Stanton, Stan Paprocki, David Steiner and Frank Riddle talked to the students of Mead High School about their experiences in Vietnam.
Green Mountain High School Visit April 25, 2019
Our members AL Roettger, Bill Robbins, Bob Wyatt, Cliff Fejfar, Frank Riddle, Jim Higgins, Marty Chavez, Miller Hudson, Marty Chavez, Otto Smolik and Steve Newton talked to the students of Green Mountain High School about their experiences in Vietnam.
Green Mountain High School Visit April 24, 2019
Our members Bill Robbins, Don Stanton, Frank Riddle, Jim Higgins, Marty Chavez, Miller Hudson, Otto Smolik, Rusty Morse and Steve Newton talked to the students of Green Mountain High School about their experiences in Vietnam.
Dakota Ridge High School Visit April 22, 2019
Our members AL Roettger, Bob Wyatt, Cliff Fejfar, Jim Higgins, Marty Chavez, Stan Paprocki and Marty Chavez talked to the students of Dakota Ridge High School about their experiences in Vietnam.
Sweet Sioux UH-1 Placement in New Diorama
at Wings Over The Rockies
at Wings Over The Rockies
On April 6, 2019 our Board of Directors were invited to the placement of Sweet Sioux in its new diorama. The UH-1 (M) Gunship was donated to the museum by COL Bill McPherson (Ret). The official ribbon cutting will be held on May 19th at 5:30 PM. The museum is requesting small Vietnam artifacts to help fill the display area. Please contact Krista Mortensen at
Arvada West High School Visit April 4, 2019
Our members AL Roettger, Bob Wyatt, John Altfeltis, Jose Gonzales, Marty Chavez, Phil Waters, Robert Doriss, Steve Newton and Terry Ritenour talked to the students of Arvada West High School about their experiences in Vietnam.
Arvada West High School Visit April 3, 2019
Our members AL Roettger, Chuck Chavez, Don Stanton, Jim Hiltenbrand, Marty Chavez, Otto Smolik, Phil Waters, Rusty Morse, Stan Paprocki, and Terry Ritenour talked to the students of Arvada West High School about their experiences in Vietnam.
National Vietnam War Veterans Day 2019
On March 29, 2019 a commemoration was held at the Vietnam War Memorial honoring the fight in South Vietnam for Freedom and Democracy that brought American and South Vietnamese soldiers together in a brotherhood of arms. From this struggle for freedom and the tumult of war sprang the Vietnamese American community of the United States of America. Today’s event is sponsored by the Vietnamese American Community of Colorado, the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1071 and Chapter 1106, GI Forum Color Guard and American Legion Post 161 of Arvada Colorado.
VA Eastern Colorado Health Care System
Newsletter April 2019
Newsletter April 2019
VA to Announce Decision on New Agent Orange
Presumptive Conditions
Presumptive Conditions
VVA National President/CEO Testifies Before Joint House and Senate Veterans Affairs Committee - Link to Meeting Testimony from March 7, 2019 below.
CAPT Gary Rose, Medal of Honor recipient Keynote Speaker
On Feb 26, 2019 Vietnam Veteran CAPT Gary Rose, Medal of Honor recipient was the keynote speaker at Regis University. Many of our Chapter members attended this event. CAPT Rose, US Army (Ret.) was a Special Ops Medic in Vietnam.
‘Blue Water’ Navy Veterans from Vietnam-era Win Agent Orange Benefits Case January 29, 2019
Information and Membership Drive at the new VA Hospital
On January 22, 2019 John Thompson, Stan Paprocki, Tom Simpson, Otto Smolik and Steve Newton provided veterans with VVA information and membership applications
at the new VA Hospital.
at the new VA Hospital.
2019 VVA 1071 Tony Lopez Scholarships for $6,000
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1071 will be offering two Scholarships in the amount of $6000 for 2019. Applications for this scholarship are open to any graduating senior from Mead, Green Mountain, Erie, Columbine, Dakota Ridge, Arvada West, Niwot and Mountain Range High Schools who are descendants of a Vietnam or Vietnam Era veteran and who will be enrolling as a student in an accredited college or technical trade school in the fall of 2019.
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1071 will be offering two Scholarships in the amount of $6000 for 2019. Applications for this scholarship are open to any graduating senior from Mead, Green Mountain, Erie, Columbine, Dakota Ridge, Arvada West, Niwot and Mountain Range High Schools who are descendants of a Vietnam or Vietnam Era veteran and who will be enrolling as a student in an accredited college or technical trade school in the fall of 2019.