2013 Monthly Meeting Photos
Thanks to all who who attended the October Membership meeting. Some great discussions and a good amount of information was shared. Please take a look at the October Meeting Minutes for all the details!
Our Chapter was fortunate to have Mr. Mike Shea as a guest speaker for our October meeting. Mike works with veterans who have a myriad of issues including veterans benefits. If you have any questions or need assistance with any veterans concerns, give Mike a call.
Chapter 1071 - September, 2013 Membership Meeting
Another very busy Chapter meeting. Please check out the September Meeting Minutes for a recap of all the topics discussed.
As usual, our Chapter Meeting covered a plethora of subjects. Included were new member introductions, member recruiting, Chapter participation in upcoming events, member business cards, PTSD articles, a clothing drive for September, a change of officers and presentations by the Support A Soldier organization and by John Collier from the Colorado Elks Association.
For specific details, look for the August Meeting Minutes which will be published shortly
Amazing attendance for our July meeting....we had a record 38 attendees!
Our quarterly food drive was an absolute success - great job and a big thank you to everyone!
So much information was covered at our meeting that I will defer to the July Meeting Minutes for all the subject matter and details.
All I can say is we are one busy VVA Chapter!
JUNE 8, 2013
The June agenda was presented and discussed with active participation by many of the Chapter members. Please stay tuned for the June Meeting Minutes which will be published soon and will contain all of the subject matter which was covered in the meeting.
MAY 13, 2013
Another great membership turnout for our May meeting!
- A special welcome to our first time attendees -
We had a very full agenda this month. Issues discussed were meeting location and time for next month and beyond. The nomination of two new board members; discussion of the upcoming State Council meeting in Castle Rock in June; upcoming Chapter events; committee updates and a briefing on the successes and failures of the prior two VVA Denver Chapters.
APRIL 2013
We had a record turnout of Chapter members and guests!!Great to see all the new faces.............
We had a record turnout of Chapter members and guests!!
.... and our returning senior members
(and by senior, I don't mean OLD.....I mean length of time in the Chapter)
The current president, vice-president and treasurer positions were filled on July 14, 2012. We will need to hold elections for those three offices in our July 2013 Membership Meeting. The secretary and the director positions were elected in January of 2013 so those positions will come due for elections in January 2014.
On Thursday, March 7th, Lee White, Richard Cox and Tony Lopez went on the air with Breakfast Club host, RIck Crandall from KEZW 1430 Radio. We discussed the formation of our new VVA Chapter and presented a membership recruitment pitch to the audience. We would like to thank KEZW and Rick for allowing us to get our message out to our veterans and the public. We hope we can do it again soon!
On March 30th, the membership committee will be mailing 132 "recruitment" letters to existing VVA Members At Large. We are inviting these members to transfer their membership to Chapter 1071. These members include 96 Lifetime Members and 36 one or three year members. We are hoping for a positive response to the mailing and, if the response is good, we would anticipate growing our Chapter's membership base substantially. Keep your fingers crossed!
Two new committees have been formed. One to address the issues of Agent Orange and PTSD and the second to investigate veteranTransportation issues.
The Agent Orange/PTSD Committee will be chaired by Ron Eich and members are Michael McCune and Tony Lopez
The Transportation Committee will be chaired by Joseph Plant.
Please contact a committee chairman if you are interested in helping with one of these two committees or any of the other existing committees. A committee of one is not a committee.......Joseph can't do it alone!
The Agent Orange/PTSD Committee will be chaired by Ron Eich and members are Michael McCune and Tony Lopez
The Transportation Committee will be chaired by Joseph Plant.
Please contact a committee chairman if you are interested in helping with one of these two committees or any of the other existing committees. A committee of one is not a committee.......Joseph can't do it alone!
Our State Council Meeting was cancelled due to bad weather on March 23rd. The meeting will be rescheduled for a later date.
A very busy Chapter meeting this month......lots of progress!
Check Presentation to VFW Honor Guard

Our meeting began with the presentation of a check to VFW Post 4171 in Golden. Our Chapter President, John Ed Young presented the check to Post Quartermaster Beau Williams. It was our small way of saying thank you to the Post for allowing our Chapter to hold our monthy meetings at their facility. We have held our meeting here for the last five or six months.
Thanks again fellow Veterans from the VFW for your support and encouragement during our critical Chapter formation stage.
Thanks again fellow Veterans from the VFW for your support and encouragement during our critical Chapter formation stage.
Jarvis Wyatt - Chase Bank

Jarvis Wyatt from Chase Bank presented the Chapter members with information regarding many of the services that the Bank provides to it's customers.
Jarvis discussed the Bank's veteran friendly atmosphere and specific services which are provided to veterans and service members.
Brochures were passed out to members which outlined Chase Bank general information.
Thank you Jarvis for your presentation!
Please contact Jarvis if you have any questions at (303) 273-0573.
Jarvis discussed the Bank's veteran friendly atmosphere and specific services which are provided to veterans and service members.
Brochures were passed out to members which outlined Chase Bank general information.
Thank you Jarvis for your presentation!
Please contact Jarvis if you have any questions at (303) 273-0573.
Discussions were held on finding a new location or possibly two locations to accomodate travel concerns for many of the Chapter members. The idea of alternating meetings at locations on the east side and the west side of the metro area were discussed. Specific requirements for new meeting locations would be a smoke free environment, adequate room size and a room conducive for setup change.
Dan Dietz presented several options for merchandise. Available for purchase were t-shirts, polo shirts, hats and patches. Proceeds from the sales of merchandising will go to the Chapter general fund. Thanks Dan for all your hard work researching and organizing the merchandise.
Four committees were identified as being most important for the success of the Chapter. These individuals volunteered to work on the following committees:
MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: Lee White (Lead), Benny Aloia, Ed Koenig Dick Burkhartzmeyer and Tony Lopez
MARKETING COMMITTEE: Dan DIetz (Lead), Owen Olliver, Richard Cox, Lee White, Benny Aloia and Tony Lopez
GRANTS COMMITTEE: John Ed Young, Jim Miles and Judi Atencio
For those members who could not attend the last Chapter meeting and would like to volunteer to work on one or more of the committees, please contact one of the officers or Tony Lopez and we will gladly put you to work!
A brief update was given on the Chapter website which included:
. a new blog page has been added under Chapter Chatter which allows for general discussion on several issues.
. a new calendar has been added to capture Chapter events and other important dates.
. two new pages have been added for business advertising and for veteran tribute/memorials.
. new features to be added will be a Guest Book and a "Website VIsits" counter
Plans are underway to have our first Colorad State Council meeting! All Chapter members from Chapter 1071 in Denver and Chapter 1075 in Colorado Springs are invited to attend. We would like to see a strong attendance from our Denver Chapter so please plan an joining us for the meeting.
A tentative date and place has been set for March 23rd in Castle Rock at the local library. As this is confirmed and a specific time is determined, emails will be sent to all members with all the specific details.
Members from both chapters will be chosen to serve on the State Executive Committee. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please advise John Ed Young so he can put your name in the hat for selection. Four officers are needed which will include a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Our Region 9 Director, Dick Southern, will present the charters to both Chapters at this meeting.
Veteran Service Officer (VSO)
We have another contact for help dealing with any veterans issues. Chuck Terry is an American Legion VSO and can be reached at (303) 914-5585. He is located at the VA Regional office in Lakewood at 155 Van Gordon St, 80225.
Discussions were held on finding a new location or possibly two locations to accomodate travel concerns for many of the Chapter members. The idea of alternating meetings at locations on the east side and the west side of the metro area were discussed. Specific requirements for new meeting locations would be a smoke free environment, adequate room size and a room conducive for setup change.
Dan Dietz presented several options for merchandise. Available for purchase were t-shirts, polo shirts, hats and patches. Proceeds from the sales of merchandising will go to the Chapter general fund. Thanks Dan for all your hard work researching and organizing the merchandise.
Four committees were identified as being most important for the success of the Chapter. These individuals volunteered to work on the following committees:
MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: Lee White (Lead), Benny Aloia, Ed Koenig Dick Burkhartzmeyer and Tony Lopez
MARKETING COMMITTEE: Dan DIetz (Lead), Owen Olliver, Richard Cox, Lee White, Benny Aloia and Tony Lopez
GRANTS COMMITTEE: John Ed Young, Jim Miles and Judi Atencio
For those members who could not attend the last Chapter meeting and would like to volunteer to work on one or more of the committees, please contact one of the officers or Tony Lopez and we will gladly put you to work!
A brief update was given on the Chapter website which included:
. a new blog page has been added under Chapter Chatter which allows for general discussion on several issues.
. a new calendar has been added to capture Chapter events and other important dates.
. two new pages have been added for business advertising and for veteran tribute/memorials.
. new features to be added will be a Guest Book and a "Website VIsits" counter
Plans are underway to have our first Colorad State Council meeting! All Chapter members from Chapter 1071 in Denver and Chapter 1075 in Colorado Springs are invited to attend. We would like to see a strong attendance from our Denver Chapter so please plan an joining us for the meeting.
A tentative date and place has been set for March 23rd in Castle Rock at the local library. As this is confirmed and a specific time is determined, emails will be sent to all members with all the specific details.
Members from both chapters will be chosen to serve on the State Executive Committee. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please advise John Ed Young so he can put your name in the hat for selection. Four officers are needed which will include a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Our Region 9 Director, Dick Southern, will present the charters to both Chapters at this meeting.
Veteran Service Officer (VSO)
We have another contact for help dealing with any veterans issues. Chuck Terry is an American Legion VSO and can be reached at (303) 914-5585. He is located at the VA Regional office in Lakewood at 155 Van Gordon St, 80225.