Veterans Day Green Mountain High School 11/11/15
Hello, I hope all is well! I just wanted to send you an invitation to our Veteran’s Day celebration that will be taking place this Wednesday. There is no doubt that the highlight of last year for me was hearing your stories and seeing our students deeply engaged in a very authentic way. I hope we can continue to work together to bridge what we are teaching within our classrooms to valuable learning opportunities within our community. I hope you and others are able to attend our celebration that honors heroes like yourself. Please let me know if I can provide any more details and I look forward to working together again in the Spring.
With gratitude,
Miles Schwartz
Green Mountain teacher
With gratitude,
Miles Schwartz
Green Mountain teacher
Veterans Day Mead High School 11/10/15
Martin, Heidi, and I are blessed to be so warmly welcomed amongst your ranks. You are the very best of America, and we know that your interactions with our kids will make them far better citizens for America's future. All of us at MHS are so inspired by your sacrifices, your perseverance, and your genuine concern for our nation.
Your attendance at our Veterans Day assembly yesterday made the front page of Longmont's Daily Times Call. I am attaching the link to the article so that those of you who wish to read it may do so.
The Maverick faculty and student body look forward to our continued work and relationship with Chapter 1071. You are always welcome at MHS.
Thanks again, and Happy Veterans Day on the very day. You are in our thoughts.
Martin Clark, Heidi Hendrix-Johnson, and Shannon Martenson
Your attendance at our Veterans Day assembly yesterday made the front page of Longmont's Daily Times Call. I am attaching the link to the article so that those of you who wish to read it may do so.
The Maverick faculty and student body look forward to our continued work and relationship with Chapter 1071. You are always welcome at MHS.
Thanks again, and Happy Veterans Day on the very day. You are in our thoughts.
Martin Clark, Heidi Hendrix-Johnson, and Shannon Martenson
Our Green Mtn King Sooper poppy fundraiser on 11/08/15 was the most productive ever. Thanks to Richard Cox, John Altfeltis, Dan Dietz, Steve Newton, Owen Oliver and Ray Holtz for your time and effort to support our Chapter.
Members Visit to Soldiers Stone 10/9/15
Enjoy the following Veterans Voices video about our Chapter President Richard Cox and his time in Vietnam as First Class Petty Officer of a Navy Swiftboat.
Enjoy the following Veterans Voices video about our Board Member Owen Oliver and his time in Vietnam as a Green Beret.
Steve Newton at Operation LZ Welcome Home Forest City, IA 2015
From a Harley-Davidson to a General's stars, more than 400,000 items have been left at The Wall. Each item left symbolizes messages to the fallen, showing the true cost of war, and that a nation is still healing. They are tributes to those who served and sacrificed in Vietnam.
From a Harley-Davidson to a General's stars, more than 400,000 items have been left at The Wall. Each item left symbolizes messages to the fallen, showing the true cost of war, and that a nation is still healing. They are tributes to those who served and sacrificed in Vietnam.
A big thank you to our member Al Roettger who will be going to the Wall this month with items from the students of Mead High School.
Vietnam War Commemoration
Congressional Commemoration for the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War. On July 8, 2015 Congress held a special tribute to Vietnam veterans in honor of the 50th Anniversary Commemoration of the Vietnam War.
Congressional Commemoration for the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War. On July 8, 2015 Congress held a special tribute to Vietnam veterans in honor of the 50th Anniversary Commemoration of the Vietnam War.

July 1, 2015
VVA, Veterans Victorious in Lawsuit
Over Military’s Chemical Testing Program
VVA, Veterans Victorious in Lawsuit
Over Military’s Chemical Testing Program
Finally a Voice
The Birth of Vietnam Veterans of America. This film documents the founding of the Vietnam Veterans of America and examines whether the organization has stayed true to its founding principle that "never again will one generation of veterans abandon another."
The Birth of Vietnam Veterans of America. This film documents the founding of the Vietnam Veterans of America and examines whether the organization has stayed true to its founding principle that "never again will one generation of veterans abandon another."
West Metro Veterans Fair
In support of veterans, we are proud to sponsor the West Metro Veterans Fair:
Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2015 2 - 6 p.m.
Lakewood Elks Lodge #1777 1455 Newland St. Lakewood, CO
Posting of the Colors & National Anthem 3 p.m. Complimentary food service 2:30 - 5 p.m.
Visit with representatives from 31 service providers
In support of veterans, we are proud to sponsor the West Metro Veterans Fair:
Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2015 2 - 6 p.m.
Lakewood Elks Lodge #1777 1455 Newland St. Lakewood, CO
Posting of the Colors & National Anthem 3 p.m. Complimentary food service 2:30 - 5 p.m.
Visit with representatives from 31 service providers
Dan Dietz and Steve Newton visit the Traveling Wall at Ft Carson.
We Honor our Veterans!
In support of veterans, we are proud to sponsor the West Metro Veterans Fair:
Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2015 2 - 6 p.m.
Lakewood Elks Lodge #1777 1455 Newland St. Lakewood, CO
Posting of the Colors & National Anthem 3 p.m. Complimentary food service 2:30 - 5 p.m.
Visit with representatives from 31 service providers
In support of veterans, we are proud to sponsor the West Metro Veterans Fair:
Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2015 2 - 6 p.m.
Lakewood Elks Lodge #1777 1455 Newland St. Lakewood, CO
Posting of the Colors & National Anthem 3 p.m. Complimentary food service 2:30 - 5 p.m.
Visit with representatives from 31 service providers
VA to grant benefits for Agent Orange exposure, starting 6/19/15
VVA announced Thursday it will expand eligibility for benefits to Air Force members who flew in C-123 aircraft after they were used in Vietnam to spray the toxic herbicide. The new rule, approved by the White House, takes effect Friday. The expected cost over 10 years is $47.5 million, with separate health care coverage adding to the price tag."Opening up eligibility for this deserving group of Air Force veterans and reservists is the right thing to do," Bob McDonald, Secretary of the Department of Veteran Affairs, known as the VA, said in a statement.
VVA announced Thursday it will expand eligibility for benefits to Air Force members who flew in C-123 aircraft after they were used in Vietnam to spray the toxic herbicide. The new rule, approved by the White House, takes effect Friday. The expected cost over 10 years is $47.5 million, with separate health care coverage adding to the price tag."Opening up eligibility for this deserving group of Air Force veterans and reservists is the right thing to do," Bob McDonald, Secretary of the Department of Veteran Affairs, known as the VA, said in a statement.
Lawsuit would force quick decisions on vets' appeals

March 30, 2015
Vietnam Veterans of America Joins in Lawsuit Against VA Secretary for New Claims Policy That Violates Rights of Disabled Vets
Vietnam Veterans of America Joins in Lawsuit Against VA Secretary for New Claims Policy That Violates Rights of Disabled Vets
Memorial Day Poppy fundraiser on 5/23/15 was a huge success! The King Soopers in Golden was manned by Bill Hilliard, Owen Oliver and Joe Romero. The Green Mtn King Soopers was manned by Craig Burchard, Cliff Fejfar, Ray Holtz, Jim Miles, and John Pascente. Thank you guys for your time and effort to support our Chapter.
Town Hall Meeting on Agent Orange, PTSD & Veteran Benefits
Town Hall Meeting was held May 9, 2015 at the American Leagion Post 161 and was sponsored by: VVA Chapters 1071 & 1106, American Legion Post 161, Jefferson Center for mental health and the City of Arvada.
David Steiner's Opinon article appeared in the Denver Post 1/7/2015 about Paving the way for torture of Americans. Below is the link for the article.
Owen Oliver has provided a link from Maria Vanderkolk to a video series "Veterans' Voices" which is produced by the Arvada media services division. If you click on the link below it will take you to the full list of videos. Maria says that "I think you'll enjoy them tremendously. I would also greatly appreciate it if you could forward the information to your veteran saddens me that so few people have actually watched these--these amazing folks deserve their stories to be told!"
We Gotta Get Out Of This Place - Vietnam War Veterans' Music Video
Colorado Resource Portal for Veterans
Our chapter has joined the Colorado Resource portal for Veterans website. There are about 100 non-profit organizations listed to help veterans and we are located under View All Resources.
Our chapter has joined the Colorado Resource portal for Veterans website. There are about 100 non-profit organizations listed to help veterans and we are located under View All Resources.