VVA Chapter 1071 Mission Statement
Our mission is to support the overall goals of the Vietnam Veterans of America organization.These goals are to promote and support the full range of issues important to Vietnam veterans, to create a new identity for this generation of veterans and to change public perception of Vietnam veterans.
Specifically, our Chapter will seek to assist veterans who are disabled or are in need of assistance, as well as to provide help for their families. This assistance may be in the following areas:
1. Review proposed federal, state or local legislation rules or regulations that may affect the social, economic, educational or physical welfare of all veterans and their families.
2. To act as an informational resource center to service all veterans with information regarding health care, benefits, employment and training, monetary assistance and other veterans issues.
3. To participate in and support local community activities and to provide an open dialogue regarding the Vietnam War with students and the general public.
Specifically, our Chapter will seek to assist veterans who are disabled or are in need of assistance, as well as to provide help for their families. This assistance may be in the following areas:
1. Review proposed federal, state or local legislation rules or regulations that may affect the social, economic, educational or physical welfare of all veterans and their families.
2. To act as an informational resource center to service all veterans with information regarding health care, benefits, employment and training, monetary assistance and other veterans issues.
3. To participate in and support local community activities and to provide an open dialogue regarding the Vietnam War with students and the general public.
Our meetings will be held on the third Saturday of each month at 10:00AM.
The meeting will be at the Elks Lodge #1777
at 1455 Newland St. Lakewood, Colorado
Please Join us for a breakfast at the Elks Lodge prior to the Chapter meeting.
Serving time is from 8 AM until 10 AM. It's a great breakfast for $10.00!!
Map to Elks Lodge
All guests are invited to our meeting.
Our meetings will be held on the third Saturday of each month at 10:00AM.
The meeting will be at the Elks Lodge #1777
at 1455 Newland St. Lakewood, Colorado
Please Join us for a breakfast at the Elks Lodge prior to the Chapter meeting.
Serving time is from 8 AM until 10 AM. It's a great breakfast for $10.00!!
Map to Elks Lodge
All guests are invited to our meeting.
Chapter Meeting Newsletter
2025 VVA 1071 Scholarship Application
How to Donate
Chapter 1071 does not receive funding from federal, state or local government. The Chapter relies solely on private contributions or donations for its revenue. Thank you for your support. Make checks payable to:
Vietnam Veterans of America
Chapter 1071
PO Box 281023
Lakewood, CO 80228
Chapter Phone Number: 303-870-2428
King Soopers Rewards Fundraiser for
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1071
Please enroll your King Soopers Card for our chapter to receive benefits.
Click how to enroll button below.
Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 1071
Please enroll your King Soopers Card for our chapter to receive benefits.
Click how to enroll button below.
View Chapter YouTube Channel for Videos
Chapter 1071 - March 15, 2025 Membership Meeting
Our March 2025 meeting guest speaker was Jake Boyd USAF, who talked about the US Space Force. His talk is on our YouTube page on our website and on the button below. Our attendance for this meeting was a total of 65 members and guests. Thank you to all who attended.
Vietnam Veterans of America Resolute in Protecting Veterans Access Amid VA Proposed Reduction in Force
Tom Moermond RIP 01/13/25
Tom has been a VVA member since 5/31/16. Tom served in the US AIR Force. His service will be held at Ft Logan on March 21, 2025 at 12:30 pm at Staging Area B. A memorial luncheon will be served after the services at Arvada Post 161 - 6230 W 60th Ave, Arvada, CO 80003. Please see his obituary below for all the details.
Lakewood High School Visit 3/11/25
Members Bill Bridges, Doug Nunes, Steve Newton, Jim Higgins and Mary Ann Rhode at Lakewood High School. Click button below to see video of Mary Ann Rhode presenting her NAVY husband Dusty in the waters of Vietnam.
Oberon Middle School Visit 3/7/25
Members Bill Bridges, Doug Nunes, Dick Hogue Stan Paprocki and Otto Smolik at Oberon Middle School.
Green Mountain HS Veterans Day Breakfast 2024
Our chapter members Steve Newton, Doug Scherer, Phil Waters, Frank Riddle, Marty Chavez, Otto Smolik & Lynn Herbert were invited to Green Mountain HS for Veterans Day Breakfast.
Arvada West High School - Veterans Day Celebration 2024
Chapter 1071 was well represented by Bill Bridges, Otto Smolik, Phil Waters, Steve Newton, Doug Scherer, and Owen Oliver. The School Student culinary class prepared breakfast for the event.
Denver Christian School Visit 10/23-24/24
VVA 1071 members Bill Robbins, Steve Newton, Phil Waters and Marty Chavez spoke to teacher James Timmer’s history students about their service and time during the Vietnam War on October 23rd and 24th. We were invited to have lunch with the students in their cafeteria.
West Metro Veterans Fair 10/03/24
Member Jerry Zimmer Takes Honor Flight to DC
2024 Chapter Visit to Soldier Stone
Chapter 1071 in July/August 2024 Veteran Magazine
VVA Chapter 1071 is recognized for our April Honors burials. Sergeant Major John Thompson is on the right, ushering an urn into the shelter. Lieutenant Jim Higgins is on the left rendering a salute.
HONORS BURIAL June 25, 2024
Our Chapters 10th Honors Burial was held at Ft Logan National Cemetery on Tuesday June 25, 2024 at 1:00 PM at Shelter C. Our member Jim Higgins was the guest speaker.
BOD Breakfast 6/1/24
2nd annual BOD breakfast provided by Diane Howard & her staff from Lantern Home Group Realtor at Owen’s old Law Firm. Fantastic breakfast as usual.
Memorial Day Poppy Fundraiser 2024
Memorial Day Poppy Donation Fundraiser was a great success at the Green Mountain, Thornton, Arvada, Ken Caryl, Lakewood, King Soopers stores and Safeway in Idaho Springs.
New VA Resource Navigator: Finding VA resources
VA has developed a new tool, the Resource Navigator to help Veterans easily find and use VA resources.
Mountain Range HS Visit 4/26/24
Our members Steve Newton, Otto Smolik, Jim Topkoff, David Nila and Jim Higgins spoke to students at Mountain Range HS about their experiences in Vietnam.
Columbine High School Visit 04/22/24 & 04/23/24
Columbine HS Visit 4/22/24
Doug Nunes, Jim Higgins, David Nila, Cliff Fejar and Bill Bridges spoke to students about their experiences in Vietnam.
Doug Nunes, Jim Higgins, David Nila, Cliff Fejar and Bill Bridges spoke to students about their experiences in Vietnam.
Columbine HS Visit 4/23/24
Doug Nunes, Jim Higgins, Bill Robbins, Otto Smolik and Bill Bridges spoke to students about their experiences in Vietnam.
Doug Nunes, Jim Higgins, Bill Robbins, Otto Smolik and Bill Bridges spoke to students about their experiences in Vietnam.
Honor Flight 2024
On 4/19/24 Owen Oliver, Suzanne Sigorna, Marty Chavez and Jim Topkoff are at the Wall during their Honor Flight.
Green Mountain High School Visit March 26-27, 2024
Our members on March 26-27, spoke to Green Mt. High School students. The speakers were Jim Higgins, Dave Nila, Rick Claggett, Steve Newton and Bill Robbins.
Golden High School Visit February 2024
Members Owen Oliver, Otto Smolik, Marty Chavez, Jim Higgins and Steve Newton spoke to the students at Golden High School about their experiences in Viet Nam.
New 2024 Agent Orange Newsletter
Rocky Mountain Honor Flight
The Rocky Mountain Honor Flight is still doing four flights a year with a capacity of around 30 Veterans. The best way to get your name on the list is to submit your application by going to their website. Once it’s received they will get notification that they have received it. This is the fastest and safest way to get your name on the list. Click on the button below for information.
Memory Care - Dedicated to wellness and consumer education
MemoryCare.com is dedicated to providing the best, most comprehensive resources to those struggling with Alzheimer’s and dementia, as well as their caregivers and loved ones.
Vets to Get Free Emergency Care During Suicidal Mental Health Crises
Starting January 17, 2023, veterans experiencing an emergency suicidal crisis will be eligible for no-cost care, including inpatient treatment, at any Department of Veterans Affairs facility or non-VA hospital, regardless of whether they are enrolled with the VA.
Vietnam War mass grave found thanks to US veteran tip-off
Veterans, Gold Star Families get free entrance to national parks, refuges, other public lands
Magic Carpet Ride - excellent history amazing pictures

MEMBERSHIP FOR February 2025
Michael Richards
Jacquelyn Bissett and William Patterson
- ********************************************************************
Our Chapter has 246 VVA Members and 52 AVVA Members
for a total of 298 Members
Michael Richards
Jacquelyn Bissett and William Patterson
- ********************************************************************
Our Chapter has 246 VVA Members and 52 AVVA Members
for a total of 298 Members
Military Service Records, Awards, and Unit Histories: A Guide to Locating Sources
The guide provides information on locating military unit histories and individual service records of discharged, retired, and deceased military personnel. It also provides information on locating and replacing military awards and medals. Included is contact information for military history centers, websites for additional sources of research, and a bibliography of other publications, including related CRS reports.
The guide provides information on locating military unit histories and individual service records of discharged, retired, and deceased military personnel. It also provides information on locating and replacing military awards and medals. Included is contact information for military history centers, websites for additional sources of research, and a bibliography of other publications, including related CRS reports.
Disabled Veterans Free Access to State Parks
with DV and Purple Heart plate
Colorado residents with current Disabled Veterans license plates may access Colorado State Parks free without a pass on the windshield.
with DV and Purple Heart plate
Colorado residents with current Disabled Veterans license plates may access Colorado State Parks free without a pass on the windshield.
The Wall's 35th Anniversary
These links are from the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund website.
These links are from the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund website.
Vietnam War: Facts, Stats & Myths

The Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text. Veterans and their loved ones can Dial 988 and Press 1, chat online, or send a text message to 838255 to receive confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Support for deaf and hard of hearing individuals is available.
Link to the Veteran Service Officer (VSO) for your county.
The VSO will assist you with your claim and submit it for you at no cost to you.
Link to Veterans Benefits page
The VSO will assist you with your claim and submit it for you at no cost to you.
Link to Veterans Benefits page
Federal Benefits for Veterans
Dependents and Survivors
2021 Edition
Check out our section "MEMBER'S STORIES" under the Home page
This is a great opportunity for you to write that story that you have been thinking about for the last 40 plus years, or story you want to share!

Below is an option for transportation in the metro-Denver area for veterans
REMINDER: If you saw a story, a picture or something else that caught your attention on this page and it is no longer here.....never fear....it has not been deleted but instead has been moved to the ARCHIVES (by year) section of the HOME page. We don't delete anything....we just try to keep our information on the HOME page as current as possible.
Members now you can send our Board of Directors an e-mail for any suggestions you may have for our Chapter
Members now you can send our Board of Directors an e-mail for any suggestions you may have for our Chapter

WEBSITE VISITS - From Oct 31, 2012 to Feb 1, 2025
Thank you to all who visited our web site---Webmaster
2017 VVA Website of the Year Award
Contact: Ray Holtz at Webmaster@vva1071.org